Balgofil <> writes:

> 1. "Radfahrstreifen": cycle lanes which are mandatory indicated by a
> sign and a solid lane (cycleway=lane)
>  2. "Schutzstreifen" cycle lanes with dashed lines not so wide as a
>  "Radfahrstreifen" and therefore only advisory and no sign (cycleway=?)

I think the most important thing is to define the semantics of what is
required.  One problem (feature?) of OSM tagging is that there are a lot
of implicit defaults, and these make it hard to use the data.  I think
we should be gradually defining the implicit tags (in the main tag wiki
page, not in the database).  By that I mean things like highway=footway
implies motorcar=no.

It sounds like Radfahrstreifen means that a cyclist may not ride on the
road outside the lane.  But with Schutzstreifen, a cyclist may ride on
the road to the left of the dashed line.  Or by mandatory do you mean
that cars are prohibited from crossing the solid (white?) line into
Radfahrstreifen but not prohibited from crossing the dashed line into a

In the US, cycle lanes on roads seem to usually have solid white lines,
with dashed lines for turning places.  I am unclear on whether there are
restrictions on cyclists in various states (in MA, I don't believe so,
beyond the standard rule that cyclists must ride as far to the right as
can be done safely, which is usually less far than cars think :-).  But
I think cars are prohibited from driving in cycle lanes - I did see a
Big Brother sign exhorting cars to stay out.

In the US, my impression is that sharrows are just a reminder to
everyone of the normal rules which always apply and have no real
significance.  In that respect, they are kind of like signs that say
"Please drive nicely", or "Check twice; motorcyles are everywhere.".

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