I'm a bit unhappy with the term urban instead of built-up or
city_limit/city_limits. But it's better than source:maxspeed=city_limits,
so I'll start using it.

Hopefully it gets out of the proposed state one day, it was proposed in


2012/11/23 Kytömaa Lauri <lauri.kyto...@aalto.fi>

> >The idea is that with a 30 driving rules list applying to an agglomération
> If it's just the traffic rules urban vs. rural, there's the tag (with 37
> 000+ uses)
> zone:traffic=**:rural
> zone:traffic=**:urban
> where ** is the two letter country code.
> Don't count on anything ever deriving the rules (like maxspeed) from that
> tag, so tag the maxspeed anyway.
> If, on the other hand, it's about the area that is considered
> "agglomerated", irrespective of the (not) implied traffic rules, there are
> probably/apparently different rules in every country for calculating the
> area, for example by buffering all residential buildings and combining the
> area formed by that operation.
> --
> Alv
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