On 2012-11-22 16:57, Simone Saviolo wrote :
2012/11/21 A.Pirard.Papou <a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com <mailto:a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com>>


    I wanted to map the agglomeration of my village and I am wondering
    again. [...]

    How do we tag agglomérations?

Currently, with place=* and their relative info on a closed way. I have written a proposal which aims to change this tagging scheme: [1]

However, on a second thought, what you talk about is probably a different concept. An agglomération has precise entry and exit points, marked by the city limit sign - in Italy it's the same. I know that many mappers don't want to have this defined by a polygon, arguing that this would force consumers to do a spatial query to understand what the speed limit is; however, the legal constraint also involves other restrictions (e.g., no honking), and a dedicated tag would work better in this sense.
Hello everybody,

According to my explanation (well, my government's definition), an agglomération is just a set of roads and hence not an area nor a multipolygon (there's no speed limit or parking restrictions in the meadows ;-)) but, as I stated it, a plain relation. Yet, for larger cities (without meadows ;-)) a multipolygon could be used to gather already made subareas the day OSM will go recursing (nesting), but what's outside the roads is undecided. The idea is that with a 30 driving rules list applying to an agglomération (some 10 practically), you'd better have a global idea of where it spans (e.g. highlight all its roads), entry/exit you speak of, rather than ask yourself and OSM the question for every new street you traverse. As well as for exceeding the speed limit, you can be booked in agglomérations for parking partly on the roadside, or on the wrong alternated side, not letting a bus leave its stop point, etc... Should there be a country-dependent agglomération tag, should the driving rules be tagged one by one and should they be tagged on every road or on a relation? Finally, should we try to tag everything or rather go and swim or play tennis?



[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Urban_settlements

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