On 11/20/12 3:59 PM, Richard Welty wrote:
i think we need a separate emergency access category because there
exist places where authorized
vehicles, mostly emergency responders of one type or another,
does anyone else who is not a troll have any comments?
my engagement with anthony has i think resulted in some improvements.
First, i've learned that when we tag U-turns as access=no or
access=private, we're
probably doing it wrong, and tagging them as access=emergency is a band
aid, not
a fix. we should probably allow it as a band aid, but see about
switching to a
different approach.
specifically, no U-turn is the common signage in many jurisdictions, and
that's a
turn restriction, not an access restriction. in a perfect world, that's
how we'd have
tagged all of these.
the actual language in the NYS vehicle code (Article 23, section 1104)
is this:
(b) The driver of an authorized emergency vehicle may:
4. Disregard regulations governing directions of movement or turning
in specified directions.
this has nothing to do with ignoring access=no or access=private, and everything
to do with ignoring turn restrictions and oneway indications when responding
to an emergency.
so my suggestion is:
for u-turns that are currently frequently marked private or no, as a temporary
expedient, and recommend in the section of the access page moving to no u-turn
turn restrictions in the long term.
i also recommend that access=emergency tags be deployed in association with
source:access tags that give the authority, e.g.
source:access=NYS VAT Article 23 Section 1104 (b) 4.
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