we talked about this a year or so back, and had near consensus if not a real consensus. it never got documented in the wiki, and i thought i'd bring it up here rather than just charging off and editing the

i think we need a separate emergency access category because there exist places where authorized vehicles, mostly emergency responders of one type or another, can use the right of way but not anyone else. the most common example is the u-turn on an interstate highway, but there are others. today i observed a gate on a road in Guilderland, NY, which explicitly blocks a paved, public residential road, but gives instructions on how to open the gate for emergency responders.

i'm currently working on a project to extract GPS maps from OSM for use by first responders, so this distinction is important to me, and to any first responders who might have occasion to use maps
extracted via the proposed process.

thoughts, anyone?


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