Dana utorak, 13. studenoga 2012., korisnik Malcolm Herring<
malcolm.herr...@btinternet.com> je napisao:
> Janko, as to your first question, a suitable tag is that used by
> seamark:type=small_craft_facility
> seamark:small_craft_facility:category=fuel_station
> This tag is applied to a node at the actual location of the fuel station,
rather than the harbour:fuel:diesel tag, which merely lists a facility
within a harbour area, but does not indicate the location of the fuel
> See: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenSeaMap/Small_Craft_Facilities

Thank you! I'll put a reference on the amenity=fuel article.

That is solved. We still have to find a tag for low tax fuel.

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