The dye added is not the common denominator. We need the British term
for the tax break status of it.

2012/11/12 Janko Mihelić <>:
> I was thinking about organising fuel nodes in my country, and that requires
> more tags than the wiki has.
> First, I think we have no tags for a fuel station that boats can use.
> Taginfo says we have a tag harbour:fuel:diesel used 66 times, but it doesn't
> look quite right to me. This tag is maybe used to tag a harbour that has a
> fuel station.
> We have just one tag fuel:marine=yes which looks right to me. Can we put
> that one in the wiki?
> Second, in my country there is a thing called "blue diesel". That is low-tax
> diesel, and agricultural vehicles and fishing boats can use it. Every
> country has it's own color for a fuel that has some tax breaks [1].
> Do we tag it fuel:diesel:blue=yes for Croatia, fuel:diesel:red=yes for
> Spain, fuel:diesel:black=yes for Greece? I think that is ok.
> [1]
> Janko Mihelić
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