Not in the UK or the Netherlands at least. They can do whatever they see fit in the course of duty, especially with lights and sirens. Of course they can be called to account if anything goes wrong. But a policeman chasing a criminal who turns the wrong way up a one way street is going to follow them and is not going to take a longer route just because of a little no-entry sign. Maxspeed, turn restrictions, oneways, waiting/stopping/parking restrictions, traffic signals - you name it, they can (and do) ignore it when required (sometimes only under certain circumstances such as life-and-death).

Having said that there are certain restrictions which they would do well to follow, such as maxheight and maxwidth. If it don't fit, it don't fit, with or without blue lights!


On 15/10/2012 20:26, Svavar Kjarrval wrote:
I think most laws require that even emergency vehicles observe
restrictions like oneway streets. If there are any restrictions which
can be broken in case of emergency vehicles, I think they'd program
their routing software to them.

- Svavar Kjarrval

On 15/10/12 18:16, Eckhart Wörner wrote:
Hi Colin,

Am Montag, 15. Oktober 2012, 20:08:01 schrieb Colin Smale:
I don't understand why emergency vehicles are so important in this
discussion. In the first place they have wide-ranging exemptions from
traffic rules, which (let's be honest) we are never going to tag in OSM.
Secondly they are never going to be relying on OSM data (or indeed any
normal sat-nav) for lane-precise routing. They are trained to use their
eyes and brains to make split-second decisions on what is safe and an
acceptable risk under the circumstances of that moment. Thirdly, they
will be about 0.0000000001% of the potential users of OSM data - why
should we compromise "service" to the vast majority of real users for
the hypothetical benefit of the very few.
I fully agree with you; if we were going to map for emergency vehicles, we'd 
probably have to add
oneway:conditional = no @ emergency
for almost all oneway roads first.


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