The Great Lakes in North America are freshwater lakes that are tagged as

On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 8:33 AM, Frank Steggink <>wrote:

> No, the bridge, called Hollandse Brug, is not a dam, although the bridge
> separates two waterbodies. The one to the northwest is called the
> Markermeer, and the other one is called Gooimeer.
> utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-**US:official&client=firefox-a<>
> On the other hand, the Houtribdijk (dijk Enkhuizen-Lelystad) is a dam, but
> that is not indicated by the coastline. See 
> waterbody to the northeast is called the IJsselmeer (IJssel lake), and
> to the southwest is the Markermeer again.
> I think that the big lakes (IJsselmeer and Markermeer) should be tagged as
> coastline. They form a distinct part of the outline of the Netherlands. The
> Gooimeer, and the other lakes bordering Flevoland (like Veluwemeer, etc.)
> are not.
> Actually, that would be tagging for the renderer, which is bad. (The
> bigger lakes are freshwater lakes.) Shouldn't coastlines be reserved for
> the coasts of seas and oceans only?
> Frank
> Quoting Martin Koppenhoefer <>:
>  2012/10/3 Martin Vonwald <>:
>>> Hi!
>>> Any reason why the coastline should go around a bridge?
>>> 13984&lat=52.32549&zoom=16&**opacity=0.55&overlays=**
>>> coastline_error_lines,line_**not_a_ring,line_overlap,line_**
>>> invalid,line_direction,**questionable,coastline_error_**
>>> points,unconnected,**intersections,not_a_ring,**double_node,tagged_node<,line_not_a_ring,line_overlap,line_invalid,line_direction,questionable,coastline_error_points,unconnected,intersections,not_a_ring,double_node,tagged_node>
>> that's obviously nonsense :D, or is it a dam?
>> cheers,
>> Martin
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