On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 02:29:41PM +0200, Colin Smale wrote:
> ADR (see [1]) is a set of rules governing transport of hazardous
> materials by road, produced by UNECE (see [2]). It is responsible
> for those yellow/orange diamond-shaped signs on trucks with a UN
> substance number and particular hazard warnings. It also covers
> classifications of tunnels in major routes, so that transporters
> know what substances are and are not allowed through that tunnel.
> The applicable tunnels are categorised from A-E, where A means
> "pretty much everything" and "E" means "almost nothing" (by way of
> hazardous substances). All the tunnels and their classifications are
> published and signed on the ground. There aren't actually very many
> - the UK has only 9 for example - but this information is as
> essential for transport companies as max weight and max height if
> they ever transport hazardous materials.

In germany the countys publish a positive and negative network of streets which
may be used for ADR transportation (Gefahrgutstraßengrundnetz).

I used this to at least tag all roads in my county with

I havent seen any further classification in those documents.

> European scope). The tagging should allow for other classification
> schemes, and make it explicit which scheme is referred to. I was
> thinking of proposing the following:
> hazmat:adr_category=[A-E]

Sounds reasonable. As this seems to be country specific it might make
sense to clarify in the wiki for which country this applies.

> to be attached to ways, normally through or adjacent to tunnels. The
> presence of this information will allow routers for HGVs to take
> this into account if they want to support hazardous loads.
> Any views on this? Would this need to go through a formal proposal,
> or is adding it to the hazmat wiki page enough?

I'd do so - hazmat is a very rare tag so adding more
information/clarification/proposals would be a good thing.

Florian Lohoff                                                 f...@zz.de
„Für eine ausgewogene Energiepolitik über das Jahr 2020 hinaus ist die
Nutzung von Atomenergie eine Brückentechnologie und unverzichtbar. Ein
Ausstieg in zehn Jahren, wie noch unter der rot-grünen Regierung
beschlossen, kommt für die nationale Energieversorgung zu abrupt.“
Angela Merkel CDU 30.8.2009

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