Am 06.01.2011 23:06, schrieb Simone Saviolo:
... but in fact the map is not reliably usable.
Fine, if you think OSM is working unreliably - just go on and start your
own reliable project :-)
If you set up something like an "OSM core profile" and the majority of
people find it useful, this might - in the future - become an addition
or exchange of the current wiki page anarchy - when people agree that
it's more useful than the current wiki thing. Side note: The Map
Features is basically already such a thing.
I've seen several of such discussions over the OSM years passed now -
and I just habe some serious doubts that this will happen. BTW: I did
intense analyzing of the existing features and I can tell you that even
this took a *lot* of time. Don't underestimate the effort for such a
culture independent profile (if this is possible at all).
What most people completely seem to miss here: The current "wiki
anarchy" just shows, that finding a clear and valuable (definition of a)
tag is *much* more dfficult than most people can even imagine ...
Regards, ULFL
P.S: Reading this thread, I've already seen a lot of bullshit bingo
candidates, being "process maturity" one of the most valuable ;-)
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