Exactly, loners has no use for the project.
I do not map for storing data but for the use of my data on maps.

Lets present the first OSM Common Rule:

"OSM does not restrict people to map anything. Only when a object is frequently mapped, The OSM community will descide what tags should be used in the given cercomstances."


-----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- From: Colin Smale
Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2011 7:52 PM
To: tagging@openstreetmap.org
Subject: Re: [Tagging] Ultimate list of approved keys

On 02/01/2011 19:24, Ralf Kleineisel wrote:
On 01/02/2011 05:42 PM, Robert Elsenaar wrote:

This was a expected answer. I frequently try to discover the reason OSM
mappers accepting this anarchistic rule of NOT having tagging rules at all.
What are the advantages for this?
I prefer this over being told what I may map and what not.
Does that not depend on whether you are working for yourself, or as a
part of a cooperative project? Do you not care whether others can use
what you store? If you are simply working for yourself, please use your
own database. If you are happy to share with millions of others, please
acknowledge that there must be a certain level of governance to stop OSM
resembling a landfill site.

Nobody limits *what* you map, but if you map things which have a broader
significance than your personal hobby, then there may be
rules/conventions/guidelines on *how* these features are represented
within OSM. And if such governance does not yet exist, it  should be

Currently there is little governance within OSM. This situation cannot
persist much longer or the whole project will implode. Anarchy will
produce "WOM" - Write Only Memory - whereby everybody adds their own
little bit of information using their own ontology, resulting in minimal
data quality. Mappers can do what they like, and users of the data (in
decreasing numbers?) do their best to make something useful out of the
ratatouille. The size of the main database will be much larger than
would be needed with stricter data modelling, resulting in sub-optimal
performance, which once again will tend to frighten people away. So
let's just accept that some degree of restriction is 1000% inevitable.


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