This was a expected answer. I frequently try to discover the reason OSM
mappers accepting this anarchistic rule of NOT having tagging rules at all.
What are the advantages for this?
- robert -
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
From: Richard Weait
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2011 10:08 PM
To: Tag discussion, strategy and related tools
Subject: Re: [Tagging] Ultimate list of approved keys
On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 1:59 PM, Robert Elsenaar <>
Hi, lists a certain portion of
approved tags.
- Why only a part of all approved tags are mentioned here?
One of the key strengths of OpenStreetMap is that there is no approval
process required for tags. The closest thing that we have to an
official policy on this is "use any tag" as reflected here
So while any tag is possible, some tags are better than others. There
are many guidelines to determine better tags, for example, duplicating
an existing tag with a different spelling makes little sense.
Some OSM editing programs have presets for various objects that make
tagging simpler. Those tags will be used more often than other
variations. Some tags are more likely to be rendered in various map
rendering styles. Those tags that are rendered are often more
appealing to mappers because mappers like feedback. There is overlap,
though perhaps not 100%, between these two sets of tags. That doesn't
make them "official" though.
- Where should I go to find the ultimate list of approved tags?
There isn't one. There are several tools that let you see all of the
tags currently in use in the OSM data base, and show the relative
frequency of use. This is very helpful if you want to decide between
existing tags, though some find these sites a little imposing
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