On Sun, 7 Nov 2010 16:13:52 -0500
Anthony <o...@inbox.org> wrote:

> Is is really obvious to everyone but me which of (archaeological_site,
> art_gallery, artwork, bar, bookstore, cafe, cinema, dance, garden,
> library, memorial, monument, museum, park, pub, sports_centre,
> stadium, theatre, theme_park, and zoo) are supposed to be "culture"
> and which are supposed to be some other key?

no, it's not apparent.
but the amenity space is still overcrowded and difficult to search

perhaps a job for the wiki-fiddlers institute
recategorise on the wiki only
so that whether it's a shop, an amenity, a landuse
a 'something' can appear in more than one list

lists of things in buildings 
lists of things in towns
lists of historic things

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