On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 3:46 PM, Peter Budny <pet...@gatech.edu> wrote:
> Alex Mauer <ha...@hawkesnest.net> writes:
>> On 10/20/2010 12:16 PM, Alex Mauer wrote:
>> (7) Neither Mapnik nor Osmarender can handle labeling cities which are
>> stored as multipolygons.  They only know how to deal with nodes.
> Multipolygon handling is pretty bad in general, not just for city
> labels.  In particular, support for multipolygons with more than one
> outer way is not up to par.  (Try creating several disconnected
> buildings, marking them as outer polygons and tagging the whole thing as
> a building or shop, and watch them disappear from the rendering
> entirely!)
> You could really classify this as a subcase of "relations are not
> handled very well/thoroughly".

Mapnik actually seems pretty good with multipolygons - all the issues
I've seen are with areas in general, whether multipolygons or simple
closed ways. There are some layering issues
(http://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/3295) and of course boundaries
aren't handled well (http://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/3069

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