2010/10/20 Alex Mauer <ha...@hawkesnest.net>:
> The definitions are well-established.

but they are not reflected in the (international/main part of) the
wiki for key=place.

I don't know if the British do tag strictly according to the place
description, but I know that Italians and Germans don't. In Europe a
town can be quite small, but will still be a town and a village can
nowadays be quite big and still remain a village.

In the US I am not sure what are your criteria, what about density, I
am also not sure how to tag downtowns (the space where your cities
were until they were torn down in the 60ies and 70ies due to fear of
riots (scnr, sorry, that's maybe not true for all of them) etc.

>  Deal with it.  If you want to change
> them, go ahead and try but I’m sure there’ll be a lot of pushback from the
> community.

I doubt it in this case, as fixed population numbers can't be the
solution to this problem which is highly dependent on density and
spacial distribution/structure.


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