M∡rtin Koppenhoefer wrote:
2010/8/17 John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com>:
You were the one complaining about amenity=school being widely used so
we should sub-tag it, I don't think we should do any of the above for
similar reasons, leave the restriction stuff alone and dump
dates/times into their own key pair.
restriction:hours=Mo-Fr 06:00-09:00,15:00-18:00
-1, I don't think tagging dancing schools as normal schools and then
subtagging the dancing part is in any way related to conditional
restrictions or that those cases are comparable in some way.
If a restriction is valid only for some time, I would like to see this
in one tag and not in 2 for several reasons:
- allows for multiple conditional restrictions (e.g. one restriction
for night-time, one for daytime, etc.)
- is IMHO more transparent for the reader
- is analogous to other conditions (if the proposal, that AFAIK is
already in use) is approved
- is simpler
Some relevant wiki pages here:
I don't really like the Extended_conditions_for_access_tags proposal for
reasons mentioned in the above sites and their talk pages. Basically it
violates (or gives up) the principle that keys are simple atomic
identifiers that you can query without regexes and the like.
For the really complicated cases I could imagine a combination of
Composite_Tag and Time_restricted_tags feature.
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