John Smith wrote:
> On 15 June 2010 13:33, Zeke Farwell <> wrote:
>> Steve,
>> I like this as a possible solution as well.  Perhaps the admin_level tag
>> could be used?  Same as for boundaries.  The challenges in my eyes are not
>> making the tagging scheme overly complicated, and making if verifiable based
>> on physical characteristics.  In my opinion OSM only needs three levels max,
>> and maybe two would do it.
> so to avoid naming confusion you could do...
> aerodrome=major
> aerodrome=minor
> aerodrome=small

These are adjectives & therefore subjective; "How small is your small 
compared to my small. Is it bigger than my small?" etc,etc.
Also to me small doesn't fit too well with major/minor.

The reason I mentioned the official classifications is that they would 
be verifiable.

Dave F.

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