On 17 May 2010 15:02, Steve Bennett <stevag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'll stop there and repeat a previous request for an actual copyright
> lawyer to provide us some advice on where the line is. IMHO we're more

For which jurisdiction, copyright law has been shaped not only by laws
in various jurisdictions but also by precedents that apply in those

> cautious than we need to be. Why do we consider what's written on a
> street sign to be a "fact", but the same words written on a map to be
> copyrightable? And many similar examples.

A map is a collection of facts, which may or may not be copyrightable
depending on the jurisdiction, but a single fact most likely can't be
protected by copyright, although the sign itself might be due to
artistic flare of the designer etc etc etc.

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