On 17 May 2010 01:59, Andre Engels <andreeng...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Then again, the boards usually also come from local government.

Most signs are contracted out to sign companies, the local governments
here don't do them directly.

> That doesn't matter for OSM. All things are copyrighted, you said it
> yourself. Whether it's "fact" or "knowledge" doesn't matter.

I think you are confusing me with someone else.

As for if it matters about facts and knowledge, if you know a street
is called by a certain name you aren't copying from anything, so the
question is, at what point does a fact become knowledge.

Also individual facts in most countries can't be copyrighted, only
compilations of facts are generally covered by copyright if sweat of
the brow is considered copyrightable. Sweat of the brow isn't what
copyright was originally intended for, which was protecting artistic
compilations, and most courts are coming to this conclusion as well.
It's only when there has also been some artistic interpretation of the
facts that it can be copyrighted, but even then it's uncertain if the
fact itself is protected, this is why the database directive and other
similar laws have been enacted to protect sweat of the brow efforts.

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