2010/5/15 "Petr Morávek [Xificurk]" <xific...@gmail.com>:
>> but before neither ;-)
> I disagree, it was pretty simple to ask myself if the area is "Place
> where flowers and other plants are grown in a decorative and structured
> manner or for scientific purposes." - Botanical garden - yes, Japanese
> garden belonging to a tea-house - yes, lawn behind a family house - no,

OK, it was good to tell: this is somehow cared for green grown either
for decorative or scientific purposes, but it was not good enough if
you care for the difference between a japanese garden, a botanical
garden, the rose garden of a castle, some private garden with flowers
and other plants grown in a decorative and structured way, but not if
they were growing herbs or vegetables (but yes again if they were
growing stuff with scientific interest),...  ;-)

> But I'm slowly changing my mind and a good subtagging could be the right
> way to go... the problem is that currently leisure=garden alone is used
> for a lot of different areas and it's becoming useless without better
> usage description on wiki.

+1, I agree, some subtags would be usefull. Probably some of them
could be applicable to other tags as well (leisure=park,
landuse=orchard, ...)


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