On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 10:56 PM, Roy Wallace <waldo000...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 4:01 AM, Jonas Minnberg <sas...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> That is what I like about it - when all I can find out about an area is that 
>> is green and lies in between buildings, "yard" is an appropriately vague 
>> word.
> You say you only know two things:
> 1) "it is green" --> color=green (IMHO, this is silly - don't bother
> mapping this)

"don't map it" is a bad advice, lets say it's already mapped by e.g.
me as a leisure=park even though it isn't.  So the question is how do
you handle the edge cases, that someone as scrupleless as me would tag
as a park.

I would tag it as leisure=park, access=no

> 2) "lies in between buildings" --> just map the buildings with
> building=yes areas
> On the other hand, if you actually know that it's a private garden,
> then that's a different story - see the other posts about how to tag
> this.

There are buildings which don't have atriums.  One could map it as
leisure=private_yard_between_houses  + surface=[green_stuff |
mostly_concrete] perhaps defaulting to render green  as a park.

Maybe it's hard to decide because there are so many words for semi
private yard, other words can be:

And that's not even counting what Petr wants, front side garden.


PS.  Jonas  hälsa Emil DS.

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