On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 9:50 PM, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> 2010/5/14 John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com>:
> > On 15 May 2010 05:27, Jonas Minnberg <sas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Oh and I forgot:
> >> * landuse=grass overlapping landuse=wood, grass set as layer=-1
> >
> > Are you mixing up landuse and land cover by any chance?
> you're insisting on this one? Yes, you are right: in traditional
> geoscience landuse is a precise term, it describes the usage of a
> given area in a generalized way.

Eh, I am not insisting anything - that was an example of bad editing IMHO.

There really should be tags for rendering-hints to mapnik - until mapnik
handles everything. That way people could tag correctly and still get the
appearance they wanted...

> Unfortunately this is not true when
> it come to OSM: just open your eyes. Have you ever downloaded a piece
> of Berlin? You would be astonished ;-). Our landuse is often
> fragmented (IMHO not bad, because if there is different stuff, how
> else should you point that out? It is easier to summarize different
> landuses to one according to type and size than it is to divide 1 big
> generalized landuse automatically into all of it's subparts).
> How many landcover-tags are there in OSM? Is grass, garages or
> landfill a landuse? Another example: cut off (burned down) forest:
> this would probably still be called landuse=forest in an official map,
> but in OSM if there are no trees it will not be a forest.
> On the other hand: I would like to see this mess tidyed up. In this
> case I suggest to first change (extend) render rules and then
> encourage people to change tagging. This is all because of tagging for
> the renderers: because it is sad to tag "correct" and you don't see
> anything on the map ;-). I don't promote a cluttered or coloured map:
> I do promote rendering of lots of tags, but they don't have to get all
> different colours. Also few colours (i.e. many features/tags with the
> same colour) can be a way to do it.
> cheers,
> Martin
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