* Jonas Minnberg <sas...@gmail.com> [2010-05-14 16:39 +0200]:
> What about bordering buildings - ie buldings sharing walls but having
> different addresses/uses ? Is it better to draw the as a single area or as
> separate but with shared nodes?

I feel that separate ways that share nodes along the joint wall makes the
most sense from an accuracy standpoint.  It allows you to tag the
appropriate areas with the building's address and type, which can be
useful, since the renderers can color different building types

I osciallate on how much I do this, though.  For dense commercial/retail
areas, I might make distinct ways for the largest buildings (a supermarket
in a strip mall, for instance) and just a few other ways that encompass
all the smaller buildings; for example: http://osm.org/go/ZcIoRxTbc- .
For residential areas, I often don't even bother with the buildings;
because they're so small, they take a lot of time to make.  There are
examples in the residential areas just east of the shopping center I
linked above.

...computer contrarian of the first order... / http://aperiodic.net/phil/
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