> +1. Micromapping may be "on the rise", but that doesn't mean it's 
> necessarily a good thing. I'd still like to see a means of specifying,
> administrative boundaries, tags that are to be assumed (inherited) by 
> contained objects (e.g. sidewalk=yes, surface=paved, lanes=2,
> mph, etc.). I currently don't tag these, but it would be useful to
> visitors 
> to know them.

I agree that it'd be nice to be able to set defaults for an area such as
typical speed limits.  

I guess it depends what you consider micromapping...

Here's an area in Google Maps:

Here's the same area in OSM; I've added a lot of detail to this shopping
district including parking lots, buildings, and started to put in POIs.  I
think this is a HUGE improvement over what Google Maps shows:


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