On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 7:49 PM, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer

> 2010/5/5 Jonas Minnberg <sas...@gmail.com>:
> > I will not join together joining areas since there doesn't seem to
> > be consensus on that.
> I think there is consensus that the nodes should be connected (and
> I'll even go so far to say it is wrong if they are not connected). The
> open question is whether this should involve multipolygon-relations to
> share _ways_ as well. IMHO just in cases where it is worth it (because
> the problem is you augment complexity quite a bit).

Well since we need space for all those thousands of sidewalks that people
want to add maybe we better leave space around all roads anyway :)

-- Sasq
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