2010/5/5 Jonas Minnberg <sas...@gmail.com>:
> On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 2:56 PM, John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On 5 May 2010 22:50, Jonas Minnberg <sas...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > * Remove cycleways parallel to other ways and add a cycleway=track to
>> > that
>> > way instead.
>> Is there a good reason you want to reduce information?
> Yes, as you may guess from my topic. Removing unnecessary stuff is a good
> thing IMHO. I thought the idea behind cycleway=track and cycleway=lane was
> to avoid having to draw lots of parallel ways. It avoids clutter on my
> limited resolution GPS. It makes routing easier & faster. And it makes
> things more consistent.

Well, one man's cruft is another man's gold, so objectively you don't
know what is useful and what's not, so it is simply better for
everyone to remove anything what is not correct. I suggest to filter
maps out when exporting them to your GPS instead of removing them from
OSM. Like it or not, micromapping is on the rise and I am quite sure
that we will see routers inteligent enough to make use of this
"uncessary stuff".


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