... I've refrained so far from getting into this burgeoning discussion thread 
... just 2 humble pleas though:
1. It is different in different countries. In England there are cycleways ... 
typically part of long-distance non-urban routes that have been created either 
primarily for cyclists or as shared routes for non-motorised users ... that 
don't have cycleway signs. But they are ALL available to pedestrians (and often 
equestrians) as well.
2. OSM is - I hope - not just a cycle project. Some of us walk from time to 
time (as well as cycle and drive). In England there are already many ways 
tagged as 'cycleways' - apart from dedicated cycle tracks alongside motor roads 
every one of these that I have seen so far is available equally to cyclists. 
pedestrians and (usually) equestrians. If we suddenly redefine 'cycleway' as 
being "exclusively" for cyclists there will be a s**tload of re-tagging to do!


From: tagging-boun...@openstreetmap.org 
[mailto:tagging-boun...@openstreetmap.org] On Behalf Of Martin Koppenhoefer
Sent: 06 January 2010 02:32
To: Tag discussion, strategy and related tools
Subject: Re: [Tagging] Proposed definition for cycleways

2010/1/6 Steve Bennett <stevag...@gmail.com>

On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 11:13 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com> 

maybe you missed NOP's contribution in one of the parallel threads, so again: 
your point of view is bike-focused, so you think every way or path suitable for 
cycling should be tagged a cycleway. 

I'll restate it: every way or path *especially* suitable. More suitable than 
average. Much more suitable than average, if you like.

Anyway, I'm obviously not getting my message across, so I'm going to have to 
think about how to express it more clearly. I'm not trying to turn OSM into a 
bike project - I'm actually just trying to work out a definition of cycleway 
that people can agree on and that is useful.

in Germany we have a very simple rule: if there is one of the signs (examples 

it is a cycleway, if there's none of this, it is not. The rule is simple and 
easy to apply. Alternatively you can use path and additional tags (see wiki). I 
don't get your problem.

Btw: I do go by bike, almost everytime I go somewhere, and OSM is already a 
kind of bike project in some point of view, but as a cyclist it is still 
important to me if a way is a dedicated cycleway (different rules apply, e.g. 
you generally legally _have_ to take it by bike if you go where it goes, 
pedestrians can't take it), or not.


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