Mike Harris

> -----Original Message-----
> From: tagging-boun...@openstreetmap.org 
> [mailto:tagging-boun...@openstreetmap.org] On Behalf Of Liz
> Sent: 14 December 2009 10:52
> To: Tag discussion, strategy and related tools
> Subject: Re: [Tagging] Tagging highway=cycleway without 
> explicit knowledgeofthe law?
> On Mon, 14 Dec 2009, Richard Mann wrote:
> > highway=cycleway only used for well-engineered & public/permanant 
> > cycle tracks (ie could you safely do 20kph on it)
> I'm hoping to find some better engineering definitions for 
> this, but this is my preferred general concept for 'cycleway'

Yup - that's about where I am too - and always remembering to add foot=yes
(unless pedestrians explicitly excluded e.g. on a signed and/or segregated
way - usually beside a vehicular highway where there is also a separate
pedestrian footway or in urban areas where the way is segregated either by a
real divider or by a painted line). And recognising that while many of these
'engineereed' tracks are paved, others have a firm compacted gravel surface
or similar (as on a number of converted disused railway tracks that have
been made into multiuser off-road paths that are, nevertheless, technically
not 'public rights of way'). However, in many of the latter cases the local
authority / tourist board promotes the route (often named) for pedestrian,
bicycle and equestrian use - all on a permissive basis as they are not
public rights of way. In these cases I am reluctant to use highway=cycleway
or highway=footway (even with foot=yes or bicycle=yes to allow for the other
type of user) as I would not want to imply any priority. So I tend to fall
back on highway=track (plus tracktype= ) - avoiding highway=path because of
its widespread use for an informal hiking route of undefined status and
unsuitable for (most!) cyclists.

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