I noticed the folks at IBM were also doing platform checks when using the
corelibs-xctest APIs. I created https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-1215 to
track the issue.

corelibs-xctest is small enough that we may want to consider providing
*both* Swift 2.2 and Swift 3 APIs, perhaps behind a `#if swift(<3.0)` check.

corelibs-foundation provides a much greater API surface, so it may not be
feasible. But what does everyone think about this approach for

- Brian Gesiak

On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 12:57 PM, Tony Parker via swift-corelibs-dev <
swift-corelibs-dev@swift.org> wrote:

> Hi Robert,
> This is something we really do need some help with. Our goal is to have
> the Linux version match the Darwin version exactly.
> There is also a PR up to change some of the results of the automatic
> renaming by the importer, here:
> https://github.com/apple/swift/pull/2093
> So we should take those into account as well.
> - Tony
> On Apr 12, 2016, at 9:45 AM, Robert F Dickerson via swift-corelibs-dev <
> swift-corelibs-dev@swift.org> wrote:
> As you know, currently, as of the 03-24 DEVELOPMENT snapshot, the function
> signatures for Foundation has diverged. This has caused us to create
> platform specific calls to the NSString, NSDate, NSCache, etc. classes. For
> instance,
> #if os(Linux) <ecblank.gif>
> <ecblank.gif> let lastSlash = fileName.rangeOfString("/", options:
> NSStringCompareOptions.BackwardsSearch)
> <ecblank.gif> #else
> <ecblank.gif> let lastSlash = fileName.range(of: "/", options:
> NSStringCompareOptions.backwardsSearch)
> <ecblank.gif> #endif
> I was curious about the timeline for the migration to the newer APIs and
> whether someone in particular was working on it. We have some developers
> here at IBM@Swift that could do some of this work, but want to make sure
> we aren't duplicating work and are coordinated.
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