Hello all,

I’m considering contributing yet part of me feels hesitant or reluctant to do 
so because I do not want to do a poor job at what feels like I’d be 
reverse-engineering the Foundation APIs (as opposed to Core Foundation and the 
pure Swift Foundation).

Perhaps I missed the answer somewhere else or maybe I’m lacking the imagination 
to come up with reasons myself, but why isn’t Foundation (as it ships in iOS 
and OS X now) open source, too?

Wouldn’t a pure Swift implementation of Foundation benefit from insights from 
the implementation details of Foundation? For example, Foundation may have 
implemented such-and-such an API in a particular way for performance reasons 
that would be unacceptable if released. That insight may be lost by providing a 
Swift implementation of an API that merely reproduces the same output from the 
same input. Concretely speaking, I seem to recall such a conversation a few 
months ago or so with respect to the implementation NSJSONSerialization 
(unfortunately, I can’t seem to find the thread).

I’m not suggesting a pure Swift Foundation should be a one-to-one port of 
Foundation’s implementation, but surely it would be helpful (not just for me, 
but for others too) to take the learnings of a mature API into account when 
implementing Swift Foundation?



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