-----Original Message-----
> From: <owner-src-committ...@freebsd.org> on behalf of Ed Maste 
> <ema...@freebsd.org>
> Date: 2017-05-23, Tuesday at 07:16
> To: Ravi Pokala <rpok...@mac.com>
> Cc: Konstantin Belousov <k...@freebsd.org>, "src-committ...@freebsd.org" 
> <src-committ...@freebsd.org>, "svn-src-...@freebsd.org" 
> <svn-src-...@freebsd.org>, "svn-src-head@freebsd.org" 
> <svn-src-head@freebsd.org>
> Subject: Re: svn commit: r318736 - in head: cddl/lib/libzfs 
> contrib/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common contrib/openbsm/libbsm include 
> lib/libarchive lib/libc/gen lib/libc/include lib/libc/sys lib/libkvm 
> lib/libmi...
> On 23 May 2017 at 10:10, Ravi Pokala <rpok...@mac.com> wrote:
>> So then `tools/build/beinstall.sh' won't DTRT for this upgrade?
> This should be fine, because the new kernel and world get installed
> into a new boot environment, not over top of the existing system. The
> problem only occurs when installing a new userland while the older
> kernel is still running.

That's right, I'd forgotten how `beinstall.sh' did it's magic. Thanks for 

-Ravi (rpokala@)

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