On 23 May 2017 at 05:29, Konstantin Belousov <k...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> Author: kib
> Date: Tue May 23 09:29:05 2017
> New Revision: 318736
> URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/base/318736
>   Update note: strictly follow the instructions in UPDATING.  Build
>   and install the new kernel with COMPAT_FREEBSD11 option enabled,
>   then reboot, and only then install new world.

There's been some confusion over this point, so let me clarify: this
note refers to the regular upgrade procedure documented in UPDATING
under the heading "To rebuild everything and install it on the current
system". Following the regular, documented procedure is both necessary
and sufficient for the ino64 change.

It's mentioned explicitly here because folks often take shortcuts with
updating (e.g. not rebooting), and such a shortcut will fail with the
ino64 change.
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