On Tue, 2016-02-16 at 12:46 +1100, Bruce Evans wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Feb 2016, Ian Lepore wrote:
> > On Tue, 2016-02-16 at 11:01 +1100, Bruce Evans wrote:
> >> On Mon, 15 Feb 2016, Ian Lepore wrote:
> >>
> >>> On Tue, 2016-02-16 at 09:28 +1100, Bruce Evans wrote:
> >>>> On Mon, 15 Feb 2016, Michal Meloun wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> [...]
> >>>>> Please note that ARM architecture does not have vectored interrupts,
> >>>>> CPU must read actual interrupt source from external interrupt
> >>>>> controller (GIC) register. This register contain predefined value if
> >>>>> none of interrupts are active.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> 1 - CPU1: enters ns8250_bus_transmit() and sets IER_ETXRDY.
> >>>>> 2 - HW: UART interrupt is asserted, processed by GIC and signaled
> >>>>>    to CPU2.
> >>>>> 3 - CPU2: enters interrupt service.
> >>>>
> >>>> It is blocked by uart_lock(), right?
> >>>>
> >>>>> 4 - CPU1: writes character to into REG_DATA register.
> >>>>> 5 - HW: UART clear its interrupt request
> >>>>> 6 - CPU2: reads interrupt source register. No active interrupt is
> >>>>>    found, spurious interrupt is signaled, and CPU leaves interrupted
> >>>>>    state.
> >>>>> 7 - CPU1: executes uart_barrier(). This function is not empty on ARM,
> >>>>>    and can be slow in some cases.
> >>>>
> >>>> It is not empty even on x86, although it probably should be.
> >>>>
> >>>> BTW, if arm needs the barrier, then how does it work with
> >>>> bus_space_barrier() referenced in just 25 files in all of /sys/dev?
> >>>
> >>> With a hack, of course.  In the arm interrupt-controller drivers we
> >>> always call bus_space_barrier() right before doing an EOI.  It's not a
> >>> 100% solution, but in practice it seems to work pretty well.
> >>
> >> I thought about the x86 behaviour a bit more and now see that it does
> >> need barriers but not the ones given by bus_space_barrier().  All (?)
> >> interrupt handlers use mutexes (if not driver ones, then higher-level
> >> ones).   These might give stronger or different ordering than given by
> >> bus_space_barrier().  On x86, they use the same memory bus lock as
> >> the bus_space_barrier().  This is needed to give ordering across
> >> CPUs.  But for accessing a single device, you only need program order
> >> for a single CPU.  This is automatic on x86 provided a mutex is used
> >> to prevent other CPUs accessing the same device.  And if you don't use
> >> a mutex, then bus_space_barrier() cannot give the necessary ordering
> >> since if cannot prevent other CPUs interfering.
> >>
> >> So how does bus_space_barrier() before EOI make much difference?  It
> >> doesn't affect the order for a bunch of accesses on a single CPU.
> >> It must do more than a mutex to do something good across CPUs.
> >> Arguably, it is a bug in mutexes is they don't gives synchronization
> >> for device memory.
> >>> ...
> >>> The hack code does a drain-write-buffer which doesn't g'tee that the
> >>> slow peripheral write has made it all the way to the device, but it
> >>> does at least g'tee that the write to the bus the perhiperal is on has
> >>> been posted and ack'd by any bus<->bus bridge, and that seems to be
> >>> good enough in practice.  (If there were multiple bridged busses
> >>> downstream it probably wouldn't be, but so far things aren't that
> >>> complicated inside the socs we support.)
> >>
> >> Hmm, so there is some automatic strong ordering but mutexes don't
> >> work for device memory?
> >
> > I guess you keep mentioning mutexes because on x86 their implementation
> > uses some of the same instructions that are involved in bus_space
> > barriers on x86?  Otherwise I can't see what they have to do with
> > anything related to the spurious interrupts that happen on arm.  (You
> > also mentioned multiple CPUs, which is not a requirement for this
> > trouble on arm, it'll happen with a single core.)
> Partly.  I wasn't worrying about this "spurious" interrupt but locking
> in general.  Now I don't see how mutexes can work unless they order
> device accesses in exactly the same way as ordinary memory accesses.

Mutexes on arm are implemented with entirely different instructions,
which do not cause any of this buffer draining or influence the
ordering of surrouding accesses to non-mutex data.  When a mutex is
used to prevent concurrent hardware access between the interrupt and
non-interrupt parts of a driver, or multiple cores accessing the
hardware, a bus_space_barrier() is required after writing to the
hardware and before releasing the mutex.

Of course, such barriers don't exist in most drivers, especially ones
not written for soc-specific hardware, and to the degree those drivers
work, it's by accident.  ::sigh::  There's no easy way to slip in a
"mostly fixes all drivers" hack like the EOI hack, short of doing a
barrier at the end of every bus_space access, and that's too expensive.

> > The piece of info you're missing might be the fact that memory-mapped
> > device registers on arm are mapped with the Device attribute which
> > gives stronger ordering than Normal memory.  In particular, writes are
> > in order and not combined, but they are buffered.
> arm doesn't need the barrier after each output byte then, and in general
> bus_space_write_multi_N() shouldn't need a barrier after each write, but
> only it can reasonably know if it does, so any barrier(s) for it belong
> in it and not in callers.

There is certainly no need for a barrier call after each byte is
written into the fifo (on any hardware that I know of).  A single
barrier at the end of the loop should suffice.

Hmmm, I wonder if that implies that another way to fix the original
problem, one that would work with buggy hardware too, would be:

  enable interrupt
  loop to fill the fifo

The first barrier would ensure the interrupt-enable reaches its
register before any data gets to the fifo (probably not needed but safe
and not-too-expensive).  The second barrier should ensure that at least
one byte has gotten to the TX register and that should result in de
-asserting the TXRDY before control leaves the uart interrupt routines.

> Drivers for arm could also do a bunch of unrelated writes (and reads?)
> followed by a single barrier.  But this is even more MD.

That's what virtually all soc-specific drivers should be doing on arm,
but even that close to the metal, most of them don't.  (I'm as guilty
as anyone on that front -- some of this knowledge was acquired after
drivers were written, and I haven't gone back and cleaned up.)

> > In some designs
> > there are multiple buffers, so there can be multiple writes that
> > haven't reached the hardware yet.  A read from the same region will
> > stall until all writes to that region are done, and there is also an
> > instruction that specifically forces out the buffers and stalls until
> > they're empty.
> The multiple regions should be in separate bus spaces so that the barriers
> can be optimized to 1 at the end.  I now see how the optimization can
> almost be done at the bus_space level -- drivers call
> bus_space_maybe_barrier() after every access, but this is a no-op on bus
> spaces with sufficient ordering iff the bus space hasn't changed;
> drivers call bus_space_sync_barriers() at the end.  I think the DMA sync
> functions work a bit like this.  A well-written interrupt handler would
> have just 1 bus_space_sync_barriers() at the end.  This works like the
> EOI hack.  If all arches have sufficiently strong ordering then
> bus_space_maybe_barrier() is not needed but more careful syncing is
> needed when switching the bus space.

There is a special place in my heart for any solution that includes a
function with "maybe" in the name.

Beyond that, I'm going to have to ponder this one.  The part that
sounds expensive at runtime is keeping track of which bus_space was
last accessed so that barriers can be automatically inserted between
writes to difference spaces.  (Or semi-automatically if it's done only
on a maybe_barrier, but the bookkeeping is the same.)

> > Without doing the drain-write-buffer (or a device read) after each
> > write, the only g'tee you'd get is that each device sees the writes
> > directed at it in the order they were issued.  With devices A and B,
> > you could write a sequence of A1 B1 A2 B2 A3 B3 and they could arrive
> > at the devices as A1 A2 B1 B2 A3 B3, or any other permutation, as long
> > as device A sees 123 and device B sees 123.
> I think it is even more important that the order is synchronized relative
> to memory for mutex locking.  Mutex locking presumably doesn't issue
> bus barriers because that would be too wasteful for the usual case.  So
> before almost every mutex unlock for a driver, there must be a
> bus_space_sync_barriers() call and this must flush all the write buffers
> for devices before all memory accesses for the mutex, so that the mutex
> works as expected.  But is this automatic on arm?  Ordinary memory is
> like a different bus space that has a different write buffer which might
> be flushed in a different order.

Looks like what I wrote in my first paragraphs might have been more in
context here.  Ordinary memory is literally another bus here.

> > So on arm the need for barriers arises primarily when two different
> > devices interact with each other in some way and it matters that a
> > series of interleaved writes reaches the devices in the same relative
> > order they were issued by the cpu.  That condition mostly comes up only
> > in terms of the PIC interacting with basically every other device.
> The code under discussion seems to provide a good example of why you
> need ordering relative to ordinary memory too.  In the old version,
> CPU2 is waiting for the unlock.  If it sees this before the device
> memory is flushed, then it might be confused.  I guess if the device
> memory is strongly ordered (but buffered) CPU2 would not see reads out
> of order for the device memory, but it might see everything for device
> memory out order relative to ordinary memory.  However, the sprinkled
> bs barriers order everything.

Yes, the bus_space_barrier that is done for the EOI hack is also a
barrier for any preceeding ordinary memory accesses.  But it usually
happens right after a mutex has been released in an interrupt routine,
so there's still that big dose of "works by accident".

> > I expect trouble to show up any time now as we start implementing DMA
> > drivers in socs that have generic DMA engines that are only loosely
> > coupled to the devices they're moving data for.  That just seems like
> > another place where a single driver is coordinating the actions of two
> > different pieces of hardware that may be on different busses, and it's
> > ripe for the lack of barriers to cause rare or intermittant failures.
> I don't understand DMA syncs for most NICs either.  They seem too simple
> to work.  Mutex locking isn't going to control the order of host DMA.

On arm, the cache sync operations for DMA all end with the same drain
write buffer sequence used in the EOI hack.

-- Ian
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