On Mon, 15 Feb 2016, Ian Lepore wrote:
On Tue, 2016-02-16 at 09:28 +1100, Bruce Evans wrote:
On Mon, 15 Feb 2016, Michal Meloun wrote:
Please note that ARM architecture does not have vectored interrupts,
CPU must read actual interrupt source from external interrupt
controller (GIC) register. This register contain predefined value if
none of interrupts are active.
1 - CPU1: enters ns8250_bus_transmit() and sets IER_ETXRDY.
2 - HW: UART interrupt is asserted, processed by GIC and signaled
to CPU2.
3 - CPU2: enters interrupt service.
It is blocked by uart_lock(), right?
4 - CPU1: writes character to into REG_DATA register.
5 - HW: UART clear its interrupt request
6 - CPU2: reads interrupt source register. No active interrupt is
found, spurious interrupt is signaled, and CPU leaves interrupted
7 - CPU1: executes uart_barrier(). This function is not empty on ARM,
and can be slow in some cases.
It is not empty even on x86, although it probably should be.
BTW, if arm needs the barrier, then how does it work with
bus_space_barrier() referenced in just 25 files in all of /sys/dev?
With a hack, of course. In the arm interrupt-controller drivers we
always call bus_space_barrier() right before doing an EOI. It's not a
100% solution, but in practice it seems to work pretty well.
I thought about the x86 behaviour a bit more and now see that it does
need barriers but not the ones given by bus_space_barrier(). All (?)
interrupt handlers use mutexes (if not driver ones, then higher-level
ones). These might give stronger or different ordering than given by
bus_space_barrier(). On x86, they use the same memory bus lock as
the bus_space_barrier(). This is needed to give ordering across
CPUs. But for accessing a single device, you only need program order
for a single CPU. This is automatic on x86 provided a mutex is used
to prevent other CPUs accessing the same device. And if you don't use
a mutex, then bus_space_barrier() cannot give the necessary ordering
since if cannot prevent other CPUs interfering.
So how does bus_space_barrier() before EOI make much difference? It
doesn't affect the order for a bunch of accesses on a single CPU.
It must do more than a mutex to do something good across CPUs.
Arguably, it is a bug in mutexes is they don't gives synchronization
for device memory.
The hack code does a drain-write-buffer which doesn't g'tee that the
slow peripheral write has made it all the way to the device, but it
does at least g'tee that the write to the bus the perhiperal is on has
been posted and ack'd by any bus<->bus bridge, and that seems to be
good enough in practice. (If there were multiple bridged busses
downstream it probably wouldn't be, but so far things aren't that
complicated inside the socs we support.)
Hmm, so there is some automatic strong ordering but mutexes don't
work for device memory?
The g'teed way is to do a readback of the register written-to, or some
nearby register if it's write-only. That's a hard thing to do in a
bus_space_barrier implementation that has no knowledge of things like
which registers in a device might be write-only.
And of course, then you're still left with the problem of hundreds of
drivers that don't do any barrier calls at all.
Mostly unimportant ones for fast NICs :-). These could be made even slower
using lots of barriers. But the fast ones already have to use special
interfaces DMA since single-word bus accesses are too slow.
Also, at this time, UART driver is last one known to generate spurious
interrupts in ARM world.
So, whats now? I can #ifdef __arm__ change made in r295557 (for maximum
safety), if you want this. Or we can just wait to see if someone reports
a problem ...
Use better methods.
How about a dev.uart.<unit>.broken_txrdy tunable sysctl that defaults
to the new behavior but can be turned on by anyone with the buggy
It's difficult to know that such knobs even exist.
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