Why was this work not in Phabricator? This is a large change that has not been reviewed, as far as I can tell, by anyone else on the project. I am tempted to ask that this be backed out
and reviewed BEFORE it goes into the tree.


On 20 Aug 2015, at 13:05, Alexander V. Chernikov wrote:

Author: melifaro
Date: Thu Aug 20 12:05:17 2015
New Revision: 286955
URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/base/286955

* Split allocation and table linking for lle's.
 Before that, the logic besides lle_create() was the following:
return existing if found, create if not. This behaviour was error-prone
 since we had to deal with 'sudden' static<>dynamic lle changes.
 This commit fixes bunch of different issues like:
 - refcount leak when lle is converted to static.
   Simple check case:
   console 1:
   while true;
     do for i in `arp -an|awk '$4~/incomp/{print$2}'|tr -d '()'`;
       do arp -s $i 00:22:44:66:88:00 ; arp -d $i;
  console 2:
   ping -f any-dead-host-in-L2
  console 3:
   # watch for memory consumption:
   vmstat -m | awk '$1~/lltable/{print$2}'
- possible problems in arptimer() / nd6_timer() when dropping/reacquiring
 New logic explicitly handles use-or-create cases in every lla_create
 user. Basically, most of the changes are purely mechanical. However,
we explicitly avoid using existing lle's for interface/static LLE records.
* While here, call lle_event handlers on all real table lle change.
* Create lltable_free_entry() calling existing per-lltable
 lle_free_t callback for entry deletion


Modified: head/sys/net/if_llatbl.c
--- head/sys/net/if_llatbl.c    Thu Aug 20 11:26:26 2015        (r286954)
+++ head/sys/net/if_llatbl.c    Thu Aug 20 12:05:17 2015        (r286955)
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ htable_prefix_free(struct lltable *llt,

        LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(lle, &pmd.dchain, lle_chain, next)
-               llt->llt_free_entry(llt, lle);
+               lltable_free_entry(llt, lle);

static void
@@ -278,10 +278,13 @@ lltable_drop_entry_queue(struct llentry

- * Deletes an address from the address table.
- * This function is called by the timer functions
- * such as arptimer() and nd6_llinfo_timer(), and
- * the caller does the locking.
+ *
+ * Performes generic cleanup routines and frees lle.
+ *
+ * Called for non-linked entries, with callouts and
+ * other AF-specific cleanups performed.
+ *
+ * @lle must be passed WLOCK'ed
* Returns the number of held packets, if any, that were dropped.
@@ -316,21 +319,35 @@ struct llentry *
llentry_alloc(struct ifnet *ifp, struct lltable *lt,
  struct sockaddr_storage *dst)
-       struct llentry *la;
+       struct llentry *la, *la_tmp;

        la = lla_lookup(lt, LLE_EXCLUSIVE, (struct sockaddr *)dst);
-       if ((la == NULL) &&
-           (ifp->if_flags & (IFF_NOARP | IFF_STATICARP)) == 0) {
-               IF_AFDATA_WLOCK(ifp);
-               la = lla_create(lt, 0, (struct sockaddr *)dst);
-               IF_AFDATA_WUNLOCK(ifp);
-       }

        if (la != NULL) {
+               return (la);
+       }
+       if ((ifp->if_flags & (IFF_NOARP | IFF_STATICARP)) == 0) {
+               la = lltable_alloc_entry(lt, 0, (struct sockaddr *)dst);
+               if (la == NULL)
+                       return (NULL);
+               IF_AFDATA_WLOCK(ifp);
+               LLE_WLOCK(la);
+               /* Prefer any existing LLE over newly-created one */
+               la_tmp = lla_lookup(lt, LLE_EXCLUSIVE, (struct sockaddr *)dst);
+               if (la_tmp == NULL)
+                       lltable_link_entry(lt, la);
+               IF_AFDATA_WUNLOCK(ifp);
+               if (la_tmp != NULL) {
+                       lltable_free_entry(lt, la);
+                       la = la_tmp;
+               }
+               LLE_ADDREF(la);
+               LLE_WUNLOCK(la);

        return (la);
@@ -483,6 +500,21 @@ lltable_foreach_lle(struct lltable *llt,
        return (llt->llt_foreach_entry(llt, f, farg));

+struct llentry *
+lltable_alloc_entry(struct lltable *llt, u_int flags,
+    const struct sockaddr *l3addr)
+       return (llt->llt_alloc_entry(llt, flags, l3addr));
+lltable_free_entry(struct lltable *llt, struct llentry *lle)
+       llt->llt_free_entry(llt, lle);
lltable_link_entry(struct lltable *llt, struct llentry *lle)
@@ -531,7 +563,7 @@ lla_rt_output(struct rt_msghdr *rtm, str
        struct sockaddr *dst = (struct sockaddr *)info->rti_info[RTAX_DST];
        struct ifnet *ifp;
        struct lltable *llt;
-       struct llentry *lle;
+       struct llentry *lle, *lle_tmp;
        u_int laflags = 0;
        int error;

@@ -560,13 +592,9 @@ lla_rt_output(struct rt_msghdr *rtm, str
        switch (rtm->rtm_type) {
        case RTM_ADD:
                /* Add static LLE */
-               IF_AFDATA_WLOCK(ifp);
-               lle = lla_create(llt, 0, dst);
-               if (lle == NULL) {
-                       IF_AFDATA_WUNLOCK(ifp);
+               lle = lltable_alloc_entry(llt, 0, dst);
+               if (lle == NULL)
                        return (ENOMEM);
-               }

                bcopy(LLADDR(dl), &lle->ll_addr, ifp->if_addrlen);
                if ((rtm->rtm_flags & RTF_ANNOUNCE))
@@ -589,8 +617,39 @@ lla_rt_output(struct rt_msghdr *rtm, str
                } else
                        lle->la_expire = rtm->rtm_rmx.rmx_expire;
                laflags = lle->la_flags;
-               LLE_WUNLOCK(lle);
+               /* Try to link new entry */
+               lle_tmp = NULL;
+               IF_AFDATA_WLOCK(ifp);
+               LLE_WLOCK(lle);
+               lle_tmp = lla_lookup(llt, LLE_EXCLUSIVE, dst);
+               if (lle_tmp != NULL) {
+                       /* Check if we are trying to replace immutable entry */
+                       if ((lle_tmp->la_flags & LLE_IFADDR) != 0) {
+                               IF_AFDATA_WUNLOCK(ifp);
+                               LLE_WUNLOCK(lle_tmp);
+                               lltable_free_entry(llt, lle);
+                               return (EPERM);
+                       }
+                       /* Unlink existing entry from table */
+                       lltable_unlink_entry(llt, lle_tmp);
+               }
+               lltable_link_entry(llt, lle);
+               if (lle_tmp != NULL) {
+                       EVENTHANDLER_INVOKE(lle_event, lle_tmp,LLENTRY_EXPIRED);
+                       lltable_free_entry(llt, lle_tmp);
+               }
+               /*
+                * By invoking LLE handler here we might get
+                * two events on static LLE entry insertion
+                * in routing socket. However, since we might have
+                * other subscribers we need to generate this event.
+                */
+               EVENTHANDLER_INVOKE(lle_event, lle, LLENTRY_RESOLVED);
+               LLE_WUNLOCK(lle);
#ifdef INET
                /* gratuitous ARP */
                if ((laflags & LLE_PUB) && dst->sa_family == AF_INET)

Modified: head/sys/net/if_llatbl.h
--- head/sys/net/if_llatbl.h    Thu Aug 20 11:26:26 2015        (r286954)
+++ head/sys/net/if_llatbl.h    Thu Aug 20 12:05:17 2015        (r286955)
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ struct llentry {

typedef struct llentry *(llt_lookup_t)(struct lltable *, u_int flags,
  const struct sockaddr *l3addr);
-typedef        struct llentry *(llt_create_t)(struct lltable *, u_int flags,
+typedef        struct llentry *(llt_alloc_t)(struct lltable *, u_int flags,
  const struct sockaddr *l3addr);
typedef int (llt_delete_t)(struct lltable *, u_int flags,
  const struct sockaddr *l3addr);
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ struct lltable {
        struct ifnet            *llt_ifp;

        llt_lookup_t            *llt_lookup;
-       llt_create_t            *llt_create;
+       llt_alloc_t             *llt_alloc_entry;
        llt_delete_t            *llt_delete;
        llt_prefix_free_t       *llt_prefix_free;
        llt_dump_entry_t        *llt_dump_entry;
@@ -209,8 +209,9 @@ struct llentry  *llentry_alloc(struct if
/* helper functions */
size_t lltable_drop_entry_queue(struct llentry *);

-struct llentry *lltable_create_lle(struct lltable *llt, u_int flags,
-    const void *paddr);
+struct llentry *lltable_alloc_entry(struct lltable *llt, u_int flags,
+    const struct sockaddr *l4addr);
+void lltable_free_entry(struct lltable *llt, struct llentry *lle);
void lltable_link_entry(struct lltable *llt, struct llentry *lle);
void lltable_unlink_entry(struct lltable *llt, struct llentry *lle);
void lltable_fill_sa_entry(const struct llentry *lle, struct sockaddr *sa);
@@ -229,13 +230,6 @@ lla_lookup(struct lltable *llt, u_int fl
        return (llt->llt_lookup(llt, flags, l3addr));

-static __inline struct llentry *
-lla_create(struct lltable *llt, u_int flags, const struct sockaddr *l3addr)
-       return (llt->llt_create(llt, flags, l3addr));
static __inline int
lla_delete(struct lltable *llt, u_int flags, const struct sockaddr *l3addr)

Modified: head/sys/netinet/if_ether.c
--- head/sys/netinet/if_ether.c Thu Aug 20 11:26:26 2015        (r286954)
+++ head/sys/netinet/if_ether.c Thu Aug 20 12:05:17 2015        (r286955)
@@ -218,8 +218,8 @@ arptimer(void *arg)

        /* Guard against race with other llentry_free(). */
        if (lle->la_flags & LLE_LINKED) {
-               size_t pkts_dropped;

+               size_t pkts_dropped;
                pkts_dropped = llentry_free(lle);
                ARPSTAT_ADD(dropped, pkts_dropped);
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ static int
arpresolve_full(struct ifnet *ifp, int is_gw, int create, struct mbuf *m,
        const struct sockaddr *dst, u_char *desten, uint32_t *pflags)
-       struct llentry *la = NULL;
+       struct llentry *la = NULL, *la_tmp;
        struct mbuf *curr = NULL;
        struct mbuf *next = NULL;
        int error, renew;
@@ -337,16 +337,28 @@ arpresolve_full(struct ifnet *ifp, int i
if (la == NULL && (ifp->if_flags & (IFF_NOARP | IFF_STATICARP)) == 0) {
-               create = 1;
+               la = lltable_alloc_entry(LLTABLE(ifp), 0, dst);
+               if (la == NULL) {
+                       log(LOG_DEBUG,
+                           "arpresolve: can't allocate llinfo for %s on %s\n",
+                           inet_ntoa(SIN(dst)->sin_addr), if_name(ifp));
+                       m_freem(m);
+                       return (EINVAL);
+               }
-               la = lla_create(LLTABLE(ifp), 0, dst);
+               LLE_WLOCK(la);
+               la_tmp = lla_lookup(LLTABLE(ifp), LLE_EXCLUSIVE, dst);
+               /* Prefer ANY existing lle over newly-created one */
+               if (la_tmp == NULL)
+                       lltable_link_entry(LLTABLE(ifp), la);
+               if (la_tmp != NULL) {
+                       lltable_free_entry(LLTABLE(ifp), la);
+                       la = la_tmp;
+               }
        if (la == NULL) {
-               if (create != 0)
-                       log(LOG_DEBUG,
-                           "arpresolve: can't allocate llinfo for %s on %s\n",
-                           inet_ntoa(SIN(dst)->sin_addr), ifp->if_xname);
                return (EINVAL);
@@ -608,7 +620,7 @@ in_arpinput(struct mbuf *m)
        struct rm_priotracker in_ifa_tracker;
        struct arphdr *ah;
        struct ifnet *ifp = m->m_pkthdr.rcvif;
-       struct llentry *la = NULL;
+       struct llentry *la = NULL, *la_tmp;
        struct rtentry *rt;
        struct ifaddr *ifa;
        struct in_ifaddr *ia;
@@ -620,6 +632,7 @@ in_arpinput(struct mbuf *m)
        int bridged = 0, is_bridge = 0;
        int carped;
        struct sockaddr_in sin;
+       struct sockaddr *dst;
        sin.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
        sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
        sin.sin_addr.s_addr = 0;
@@ -778,8 +791,9 @@ match:
        sin.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
        sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
        sin.sin_addr = isaddr;
+       dst = (struct sockaddr *)&sin;
- la = lla_lookup(LLTABLE(ifp), LLE_EXCLUSIVE, (struct sockaddr *)&sin);
+       la = lla_lookup(LLTABLE(ifp), LLE_EXCLUSIVE, dst);
        if (la != NULL)
                arp_check_update_lle(ah, isaddr, ifp, bridged, la);
@@ -788,15 +802,47 @@ match:
                 * Reply to our address, but no lle exists yet.
                 * do we really have to create an entry?
+               la = lltable_alloc_entry(LLTABLE(ifp), 0, dst);
+               if (la == NULL)
+                       goto drop;
+               arp_update_lle(ah, ifp, la);
-               la = lla_create(LLTABLE(ifp), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&sin);
-               if (la != NULL)
-                       arp_update_lle(ah, ifp, la);
+               LLE_WLOCK(la);
+               la_tmp = lla_lookup(LLTABLE(ifp), LLE_EXCLUSIVE, dst);
+               /*
+                * Check if lle still does not exists.
+                * If it does, that means that we either
+                * 1) have configured it explicitly, via
+                * 1a) 'arp -s' static entry or
+                * 1b) interface address static record
+                * or
+                * 2) it was the result of sending first packet to-host
+                * or
+                * 3) it was another arp reply packet we handled in
+                * different thread.
+                *
+                * In all cases except 3) we definitely need to prefer
+                * existing lle. For the sake of simplicity, prefer any
+                * existing lle over newly-create one.
+                */
+               if (la_tmp == NULL)
+                       lltable_link_entry(LLTABLE(ifp), la);
-               if (la != NULL) {
+               if (la_tmp == NULL) {
+               } else {
+                       /* Free newly-create entry and handle packet */
+                       lltable_free_entry(LLTABLE(ifp), la);
+                       la = la_tmp;
+                       la_tmp = NULL;
+                       arp_check_update_lle(ah, isaddr, ifp, bridged, la);
+                       /* arp_check_update_lle() returns @la unlocked */
+               la = NULL;
        if (op != ARPOP_REQUEST)
@@ -1044,30 +1090,53 @@ arp_mark_lle_reachable(struct llentry *l
arp_ifinit(struct ifnet *ifp, struct ifaddr *ifa)
-       struct llentry *lle;
+       struct llentry *lle, *lle_tmp;
+       struct sockaddr_in *dst_in;
+       struct sockaddr *dst;

        if (ifa->ifa_carp != NULL)

-       if (ntohl(IA_SIN(ifa)->sin_addr.s_addr) != INADDR_ANY) {
-               arprequest(ifp, &IA_SIN(ifa)->sin_addr,
-                               &IA_SIN(ifa)->sin_addr, IF_LLADDR(ifp));
-               /*
-                * interface address is considered static entry
-                * because the output of the arp utility shows
-                * that L2 entry as permanent
-                */
-               IF_AFDATA_LOCK(ifp);
-               lle = lla_create(LLTABLE(ifp), LLE_IFADDR | LLE_STATIC,
-                                (struct sockaddr *)IA_SIN(ifa));
-               IF_AFDATA_UNLOCK(ifp);
-               if (lle == NULL)
-                       log(LOG_INFO, "arp_ifinit: cannot create arp "
-                           "entry for interface address\n");
-               else
-                       LLE_WUNLOCK(lle);
-       }
        ifa->ifa_rtrequest = NULL;
+       dst_in = IA_SIN(ifa);
+       dst = (struct sockaddr *)dst_in;
+       if (ntohl(IA_SIN(ifa)->sin_addr.s_addr) == INADDR_ANY)
+               return;
+       arprequest(ifp, &IA_SIN(ifa)->sin_addr,
+                       &IA_SIN(ifa)->sin_addr, IF_LLADDR(ifp));
+       /*
+        * Interface address LLE record is considered static
+        * because kernel code relies on LLE_STATIC flag to check
+        * if these entries can be rewriten by arp updates.
+        */
+ lle = lltable_alloc_entry(LLTABLE(ifp), LLE_IFADDR | LLE_STATIC, dst);
+       if (lle == NULL) {
+               log(LOG_INFO, "arp_ifinit: cannot create arp "
+                   "entry for interface address\n");
+               return;
+       }
+       IF_AFDATA_WLOCK(ifp);
+       LLE_WLOCK(lle);
+       /* Unlink any entry if exists */
+       lle_tmp = lla_lookup(LLTABLE(ifp), LLE_EXCLUSIVE, dst);
+       if (lle_tmp != NULL)
+               lltable_unlink_entry(LLTABLE(ifp), lle_tmp);
+       lltable_link_entry(LLTABLE(ifp), lle);
+       IF_AFDATA_WUNLOCK(ifp);
+       if (lle_tmp != NULL)
+               EVENTHANDLER_INVOKE(lle_event, lle_tmp, LLENTRY_EXPIRED);
+       LLE_WUNLOCK(lle);
+       if (lle_tmp != NULL)
+               lltable_free_entry(LLTABLE(ifp), lle_tmp);


Modified: head/sys/netinet/in.c
--- head/sys/netinet/in.c       Thu Aug 20 11:26:26 2015        (r286954)
+++ head/sys/netinet/in.c       Thu Aug 20 12:05:17 2015        (r286955)
@@ -1202,25 +1202,15 @@ in_lltable_delete(struct lltable *llt, u

static struct llentry *
-in_lltable_create(struct lltable *llt, u_int flags, const struct sockaddr *l3addr) +in_lltable_alloc(struct lltable *llt, u_int flags, const struct sockaddr *l3addr)
        const struct sockaddr_in *sin = (const struct sockaddr_in *)l3addr;
        struct ifnet *ifp = llt->llt_ifp;
        struct llentry *lle;

        KASSERT(l3addr->sa_family == AF_INET,
            ("sin_family %d", l3addr->sa_family));

-       lle = in_lltable_find_dst(llt, sin->sin_addr);
-       if (lle != NULL) {
-               LLE_WLOCK(lle);
-               return (lle);
-       }
-       /* no existing record, we need to create new one */
         * A route that covers the given address must have
         * been installed 1st because we are doing a resolution,
@@ -1241,9 +1231,6 @@ in_lltable_create(struct lltable *llt, u
                lle->la_flags |= (LLE_VALID | LLE_STATIC);

-       lltable_link_entry(llt, lle);
-       LLE_WLOCK(lle);
        return (lle);

@@ -1346,7 +1333,7 @@ in_lltattach(struct ifnet *ifp)
        llt->llt_ifp = ifp;

        llt->llt_lookup = in_lltable_lookup;
-       llt->llt_create = in_lltable_create;
+       llt->llt_alloc_entry = in_lltable_alloc;
        llt->llt_delete = in_lltable_delete;
        llt->llt_dump_entry = in_lltable_dump_entry;
        llt->llt_hash = in_lltable_hash;

Modified: head/sys/netinet/toecore.c
--- head/sys/netinet/toecore.c  Thu Aug 20 11:26:26 2015        (r286954)
+++ head/sys/netinet/toecore.c  Thu Aug 20 12:05:17 2015        (r286955)
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ toe_route_redirect_event(void *arg __unu
static int
toe_nd6_resolve(struct ifnet *ifp, struct sockaddr *sa, uint8_t *lladdr)
-       struct llentry *lle;
+       struct llentry *lle, *lle_tmp;
        struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6 = (void *)sa;
        int rc, flags = 0;

@@ -465,19 +465,32 @@ restart:
        lle = lla_lookup(LLTABLE6(ifp), flags, sa);
        if (lle == NULL) {
-               IF_AFDATA_LOCK(ifp);
-               lle = nd6_create(&sin6->sin6_addr, 0, ifp);
-               IF_AFDATA_UNLOCK(ifp);
+               lle = nd6_alloc(&sin6->sin6_addr, 0, ifp);
                if (lle == NULL)
                        return (ENOMEM); /* Couldn't create entry in cache. */
                lle->ln_state = ND6_LLINFO_INCOMPLETE;
-               nd6_llinfo_settimer_locked(lle,
-                   (long)ND_IFINFO(ifp)->retrans * hz / 1000);
-               LLE_WUNLOCK(lle);
+               IF_AFDATA_WLOCK(ifp);
+               LLE_WLOCK(lle);
+               lle_tmp = nd6_lookup(&sin6->sin6_addr, ND6_EXCLUSIVE, ifp);
+               /* Prefer any existing lle over newly-created one */
+               if (lle_tmp == NULL)
+                       lltable_link_entry(LLTABLE6(ifp), lle);
+               IF_AFDATA_WUNLOCK(ifp);
+               if (lle_tmp == NULL) {
+                       /* Arm timer for newly-created entry and send NS */
+                       nd6_llinfo_settimer_locked(lle,
+                           (long)ND_IFINFO(ifp)->retrans * hz / 1000);
+                       LLE_WUNLOCK(lle);

-               nd6_ns_output(ifp, NULL, &sin6->sin6_addr, NULL, 0);
+                       nd6_ns_output(ifp, NULL, &sin6->sin6_addr, NULL, 0);

-               return (EWOULDBLOCK);
+                       return (EWOULDBLOCK);
+               } else {
+                       /* Drop newly-created lle and switch to existing one */
+                       lltable_free_entry(LLTABLE6(ifp), lle);
+                       lle = lle_tmp;
+                       lle_tmp = NULL;
+               }

        if (lle->ln_state == ND6_LLINFO_STALE) {

Modified: head/sys/netinet6/in6.c
--- head/sys/netinet6/in6.c     Thu Aug 20 11:26:26 2015        (r286954)
+++ head/sys/netinet6/in6.c     Thu Aug 20 12:05:17 2015        (r286955)
@@ -2239,24 +2239,16 @@ in6_lltable_delete(struct lltable *llt,

static struct llentry *
-in6_lltable_create(struct lltable *llt, u_int flags,
+in6_lltable_alloc(struct lltable *llt, u_int flags,
        const struct sockaddr *l3addr)
const struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6 = (const struct sockaddr_in6 *)l3addr;
        struct ifnet *ifp = llt->llt_ifp;
        struct llentry *lle;

        KASSERT(l3addr->sa_family == AF_INET6,
            ("sin_family %d", l3addr->sa_family));

-       lle = in6_lltable_find_dst(llt, &sin6->sin6_addr);
-       if (lle != NULL) {
-               LLE_WLOCK(lle);
-               return (lle);
-       }
         * A route that covers the given address must have
         * been installed 1st because we are doing a resolution,
@@ -2277,9 +2269,6 @@ in6_lltable_create(struct lltable *llt,
                lle->la_flags |= (LLE_VALID | LLE_STATIC);

-       lltable_link_entry(llt, lle);
-       LLE_WLOCK(lle);
        return (lle);

@@ -2382,7 +2371,7 @@ in6_lltattach(struct ifnet *ifp)
        llt->llt_ifp = ifp;

        llt->llt_lookup = in6_lltable_lookup;
-       llt->llt_create = in6_lltable_create;
+       llt->llt_alloc_entry = in6_lltable_alloc;
        llt->llt_delete = in6_lltable_delete;
        llt->llt_dump_entry = in6_lltable_dump_entry;
        llt->llt_hash = in6_lltable_hash;

Modified: head/sys/netinet6/nd6.c
--- head/sys/netinet6/nd6.c     Thu Aug 20 11:26:26 2015        (r286954)
+++ head/sys/netinet6/nd6.c     Thu Aug 20 12:05:17 2015        (r286955)
@@ -939,12 +939,8 @@ nd6_lookup(struct in6_addr *addr6, int f
        return (ln);

- * the caller acquires and releases the lock on the lltbls
- * Returns the llentry wlocked
- */
struct llentry *
-nd6_create(struct in6_addr *addr6, int flags, struct ifnet *ifp)
+nd6_alloc(struct in6_addr *addr6, int flags, struct ifnet *ifp)
        struct sockaddr_in6 sin6;
        struct llentry *ln;
@@ -954,9 +950,7 @@ nd6_create(struct in6_addr *addr6, int f
        sin6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
        sin6.sin6_addr = *addr6;

-       ln = lla_create(LLTABLE6(ifp), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&sin6);
+ ln = lltable_alloc_entry(LLTABLE6(ifp), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&sin6);
        if (ln != NULL)
                ln->ln_state = ND6_LLINFO_NOSTATE;

@@ -1640,7 +1634,7 @@ struct llentry *
nd6_cache_lladdr(struct ifnet *ifp, struct in6_addr *from, char *lladdr,
  int lladdrlen, int type, int code)
-       struct llentry *ln = NULL;
+       struct llentry *ln = NULL, *ln_tmp;
        int is_newentry;
        int do_update;
        int olladdr;
@@ -1674,22 +1668,33 @@ nd6_cache_lladdr(struct ifnet *ifp, stru
        ln = nd6_lookup(from, flags, ifp);
+       is_newentry = 0;
        if (ln == NULL) {
                flags |= ND6_EXCLUSIVE;
-               IF_AFDATA_LOCK(ifp);
-               ln = nd6_create(from, 0, ifp);
-               IF_AFDATA_UNLOCK(ifp);
-               is_newentry = 1;
-       } else {
-               /* do nothing if static ndp is set */
-               if (ln->la_flags & LLE_STATIC) {
+               ln = nd6_alloc(from, 0, ifp);
+               if (ln == NULL)
+                       return (NULL);
+               IF_AFDATA_WLOCK(ifp);
+               LLE_WLOCK(ln);
+               /* Prefer any existing lle over newly-created one */
+               ln_tmp = nd6_lookup(from, ND6_EXCLUSIVE, ifp);
+               if (ln_tmp == NULL)
+                       lltable_link_entry(LLTABLE6(ifp), ln);
+               IF_AFDATA_WUNLOCK(ifp);
+               if (ln_tmp == NULL)
+                       /* No existing lle, mark as new entry */
+                       is_newentry = 1;
+               else {
+                       lltable_free_entry(LLTABLE6(ifp), ln);
+                       ln = ln_tmp;
+                       ln_tmp = NULL;
+               }
+       }
+       /* do nothing if static ndp is set */
+       if ((ln->la_flags & LLE_STATIC)) {
                        static_route = 1;
                        goto done;
-               }
-               is_newentry = 0;
-       if (ln == NULL)
-               return (NULL);

        olladdr = (ln->la_flags & LLE_VALID) ? 1 : 0;
        if (olladdr && lladdr) {
@@ -2032,7 +2037,7 @@ static int
nd6_output_lle(struct ifnet *ifp, struct ifnet *origifp, struct mbuf *m,
  struct sockaddr_in6 *dst)
-       struct llentry *lle = NULL;
+       struct llentry *lle = NULL, *lle_tmp;

        KASSERT(m != NULL, ("NULL mbuf, nothing to send"));
/* discard the packet if IPv6 operation is disabled on the interface */
@@ -2063,19 +2068,35 @@ nd6_output_lle(struct ifnet *ifp, struct
                         * the condition below is not very efficient.  But we 
                         * it is tolerable, because this should be a rare case.
-                       IF_AFDATA_LOCK(ifp);
-                       lle = nd6_create(&dst->sin6_addr, 0, ifp);
-                       IF_AFDATA_UNLOCK(ifp);
+                       lle = nd6_alloc(&dst->sin6_addr, 0, ifp);
+                       if (lle == NULL) {
+                               char ip6buf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
+                               log(LOG_DEBUG,
+                                   "nd6_output: can't allocate llinfo for %s "
+                                   "(ln=%p)\n",
+                                   ip6_sprintf(ip6buf, &dst->sin6_addr), lle);
+                               m_freem(m);
+                               return (ENOBUFS);
+                       }
+                       lle->ln_state = ND6_LLINFO_NOSTATE;
+                       IF_AFDATA_WLOCK(ifp);
+                       LLE_WLOCK(lle);
+                       /* Prefer any existing entry over newly-created one */
+                       lle_tmp = nd6_lookup(&dst->sin6_addr, ND6_EXCLUSIVE, 
+                       if (lle_tmp == NULL)
+                               lltable_link_entry(LLTABLE6(ifp), lle);
+                       IF_AFDATA_WUNLOCK(ifp);
+                       if (lle_tmp != NULL) {
+                               lltable_free_entry(LLTABLE6(ifp), lle);
+                               lle = lle_tmp;
+                               lle_tmp = NULL;
+                       }
        if (lle == NULL) {
                if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT) == 0 &&
                    !(ND_IFINFO(ifp)->flags & ND6_IFF_PERFORMNUD)) {
-                       char ip6buf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
-                       log(LOG_DEBUG,
-                           "nd6_output: can't allocate llinfo for %s "
-                           "(ln=%p)\n",
-                           ip6_sprintf(ip6buf, &dst->sin6_addr), lle);
                        return (ENOBUFS);
@@ -2241,24 +2262,40 @@ int
nd6_add_ifa_lle(struct in6_ifaddr *ia)
        struct ifnet *ifp;
-       struct llentry *ln;
+       struct llentry *ln, *ln_tmp;
+       struct sockaddr *dst;

        ifp = ia->ia_ifa.ifa_ifp;
        if (nd6_need_cache(ifp) == 0)
                return (0);
-       IF_AFDATA_LOCK(ifp);
        ia->ia_ifa.ifa_rtrequest = nd6_rtrequest;
-       ln = lla_create(LLTABLE6(ifp), LLE_IFADDR,
-           (struct sockaddr *)&ia->ia_addr);
-       IF_AFDATA_UNLOCK(ifp);
-       if (ln != NULL) {
-               ln->la_expire = 0;  /* for IPv6 this means permanent */
-               ln->ln_state = ND6_LLINFO_REACHABLE;
-               LLE_WUNLOCK(ln);
-               return (0);
-       }
+       dst = (struct sockaddr *)&ia->ia_addr;
+       ln = lltable_alloc_entry(LLTABLE6(ifp), LLE_IFADDR, dst);
+       if (ln == NULL)
+               return (ENOBUFS);

-       return (ENOBUFS);
+       ln->la_expire = 0;  /* for IPv6 this means permanent */
+       ln->ln_state = ND6_LLINFO_REACHABLE;
+       IF_AFDATA_WLOCK(ifp);
+       LLE_WLOCK(ln);
+       /* Unlink any entry if exists */
+       ln_tmp = lla_lookup(LLTABLE6(ifp), LLE_EXCLUSIVE, dst);
+       if (ln_tmp != NULL)
+               lltable_unlink_entry(LLTABLE6(ifp), ln_tmp);
+       lltable_link_entry(LLTABLE6(ifp), ln);
+       IF_AFDATA_WUNLOCK(ifp);
+       if (ln_tmp != NULL)
+               EVENTHANDLER_INVOKE(lle_event, ln_tmp, LLENTRY_EXPIRED);
+       LLE_WUNLOCK(ln);
+       if (ln_tmp != NULL)
+               llentry_free(ln_tmp);
+       return (0);


Modified: head/sys/netinet6/nd6.h
--- head/sys/netinet6/nd6.h     Thu Aug 20 11:26:26 2015        (r286954)
+++ head/sys/netinet6/nd6.h     Thu Aug 20 12:05:17 2015        (r286955)
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ void nd6_option_init(void *, int, union
struct nd_opt_hdr *nd6_option(union nd_opts *);
int nd6_options(union nd_opts *);
struct llentry *nd6_lookup(struct in6_addr *, int, struct ifnet *);
-struct llentry *nd6_create(struct in6_addr *, int, struct ifnet *);
+struct llentry *nd6_alloc(struct in6_addr *, int, struct ifnet *);
void nd6_setmtu(struct ifnet *);
void nd6_llinfo_settimer(struct llentry *, long);
void nd6_llinfo_settimer_locked(struct llentry *, long);
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