On Jun 19, 2013, at 4:49 PM, David Chisnall wrote:

> On 19 Jun 2013, at 16:13, John Baldwin <j...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>> portsnap does not work for src.  (I thought we had already covered that
>> in earlier threads?)  portsnap only moves forward.  It is a very important
>> feature for our users that whatever tool they use for source updating be
>> bidirectional.  In particular it is very common practice to use a bisect
>> operation to isolate changes responsible for regressions.
> Freebsd-update can manage the src tree.  I'm not entirely clear on what 
> use-case we are addressing here.  Is it:
> - FreeBSD developers, who are probably okay with installing a port, but would 
> prefer a version that didn't depend on kitchen/sink?
> - Users, who wish to be able to update the source tree and then either build 
> world, or build some optional parts that are not part of the default install?
> - Some other category of svn consumer?
> I think having a definitive statement as to the intention of svnlite would 
> help frame the discussion in a more productive format.

How do I roll back to last week with FreeBSD-update?


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