On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 2:44 PM, Pedro Giffuni <p...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> --- Mar 3/1/12, Garrett Cooper <yaneg...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
> ...
>> Can the same be done for emu10kx ?
> No :(. The two extra headers are GPL'd and the author doesn't
> want to hear about BSDs.
>> Someday it would be nice to have xfi support in the tree,
>> but that's a missing driver that even the OSS maintainer
>> was scared to touch because of the complexity of the code.
> Apparently Creative released a GPLd driver for linux(ALSA),
> but it was not in working shape.

    The ALSA driver worked back when I tried it out 2 years ago. I
asked for them to release an OSS version, but of course they ignored
by request, then some months later released an ALSA version.
    There's a preliminary xfi driver in OSS 4.x (and OSS still has a
BSD compatible license), but it's far from complete [and the author is
aware of this :)].
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