> On 11. Oct 2020, at 16:01, Alexey Dokuchaev <da...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2020 at 03:20:16PM +0300, Toomas Soome wrote:
>> Please note, the remove is done by rc script during the boot.
> But not by the loader(8) as the page used to claim.  It confused me how to
> avoid the remove, and only later I've discovered with some relief that it
> is in fact not being removed, but only disabled (which IMHO is a lot more
> graceful and thus correct behavior).
>> Also nextboot.conf not generic configuration file (such as loader.conf
>> or loader.conf.local), but the implementation specific file, part of
>> special feature.
>> That is, one should not assume the presence of nextboot.conf file, make
>> assumptions about its content, or perform manual edits on it.
> Do we want it to be the second-class citizen like this?  Would it make
> better sense by documenting it more completely instead?
> ./danfe

It is not really about being second-class citizen, it really is about if and 
how we can implement the feature. With UFS there is a limited write (write to 
existing, allocated disk blocks), with zfs there is no write to file system at 

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