On Sun, Oct 11, 2020 at 03:20:16PM +0300, Toomas Soome wrote:
> Please note, the remove is done by rc script during the boot.

But not by the loader(8) as the page used to claim.  It confused me how to
avoid the remove, and only later I've discovered with some relief that it
is in fact not being removed, but only disabled (which IMHO is a lot more
graceful and thus correct behavior).

> Also nextboot.conf not generic configuration file (such as loader.conf
> or loader.conf.local), but the implementation specific file, part of
> special feature.
> That is, one should not assume the presence of nextboot.conf file, make
> assumptions about its content, or perform manual edits on it.

Do we want it to be the second-class citizen like this?  Would it make
better sense by documenting it more completely instead?

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