On 26.08.19 06:28, Jan Sucan wrote:

I can implement it. I suppose that ping6's manual page should be kept it this case.

I was also thinking about printing a warning for each option renamed to lead a willing user to use the new unified option set of ping. It could be either only with -v, or by default and suppressed with -q. Or should the option translation be completely transparent?

Is there an update on this? I found out the hard way today, as I updated my icinga2 host from an revision before this change to a current revision. In this case it's not as easy as fixing a script e.g. net-mgmt/monitoring-plugins check_ping command calls /sbin/ping6 with -X.

Will we get a ping6 that is fully backward compatible, or should we start fixing ports?



On 26. 8. 2019 1:58, Alan Somers wrote:
Jan (please keep him CCed on replies) has been musing about the same
thing.  That might satisfy everyone.  Jan, would it be straightforward
to implement?

On Sun, Aug 25, 2019 at 5:51 PM Conrad Meyer <c...@freebsd.org> wrote:
Hi Alan, Hiroki,

It would be pretty easy to install a `ping6` link to the `ping(8)`
binary with different option parsing (conditional on argv[0]).  That
removes most of the issues of code and space duplication, I think?
And the goal would be for the 'ping6' name to retain option
compatibility with historical ping6.

It's not an uncommon pattern; for example, 'id', 'groups', and
'whoami' are all a single binary with multiple linked names.  Another
example is Clang, which provides 'cc', 'c++', 'clang', 'clang-cpp',
'clang++' and 'cpp' links to the same inode — and those have very
different behavior depending on argv[0].

It's less work than forcing the ping6 compatibility crowd to create a
port and doesn't hurt ping(8) much, AFAICT.  Is it an acceptable
middle ground?


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