[ Charset UTF-8 unsupported, converting... ]
> Author: emaste
> Date: Thu Mar 14 17:09:07 2019
> New Revision: 345138
> URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/base/345138
> Log:
>   firmware(9): remove uuencoded example
>   We can (should) just commit the binary files to the source tree.

We should of documented what the decision process and criteria was
that lead to the decission to uuencode the files.

I do not believe it was just that the VCS could not handle them,
that there was some other reasoning as well.  There is also down
streams to consider, does this in any way effect things outside
the project.

Thus we could easily revist that criteria, see how much of it no
longer applies, possible add counter criteria, and change this
decision, with it documented as to why it changed.

As is this is just another semi documented project guideline change,
I believe there are more than just the firmware files that this
change needs noted on.

We should also note that if they are already in uuencode state
to leave them in uuencode state, or do we intened to convert
them on next commit, or ???

This change could use wider discussion.

>   Reviewed by:        bz, imp, 0mp
>   Differential Revision:      https://reviews.freebsd.org/D19581
> Modified:
>   head/share/man/man9/firmware.9
> Modified: head/share/man/man9/firmware.9
> ==============================================================================
> --- head/share/man/man9/firmware.9    Thu Mar 14 17:05:46 2019        
> (r345137)
> +++ head/share/man/man9/firmware.9    Thu Mar 14 17:09:07 2019        
> (r345138)
> @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
>  .\"
>  .\" $FreeBSD$
>  .\"
> -.Dd August 2, 2008
> +.Dd March 14, 2019
>  .Os
>  .Sh NAME
> @@ -248,12 +248,11 @@ IxNpeMicrocode.fwo  optional npe_fw                     
>                 \\
>                           -r -d -o ${.TARGET} IxNpeMicrocode.dat"     \\
>          no-implicit-rule                                                \\
>          clean           "IxNpeMicrocode.fwo"
> -IxNpeMicrocode.dat                      optional npe_fw                 \\
> -        dependency      ".PHONY"                                        \\
> -        compile-with    "uudecode < 
> $S/contrib/dev/npe/IxNpeMicrocode.dat.uu" \\
> -        no-obj no-implicit-rule                                         \\
> -        clean           "IxNpeMicrocode.dat"
>  .Ed
> +.Pp
> +Firmware was previously committed to the source tree as uuencoded files,
> +but this is no longer required; the binary firmware file should be committed
> +to the tree as provided by the vendor.
>  .Pp
>  Note that generating the firmware modules in this way requires
>  the availability of the following tools:

Rod Grimes                                                 rgri...@freebsd.org
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