Personally I disagree, chances of people finding that option in dd is slim, a dedicated trim utility makes much more sense to me. Sure have both that's cool but keep the trim would be my vote.

On 30/11/2018 01:17, Cy Schubert wrote:

Sent using a tiny phone keyboard.
Apologies for any typos and autocorrect.
Also, this old phone only supports top post. Apologies.

Cy Schubert
<> or <>
The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.
From: Alexey Dokuchaev
Sent: 29/11/2018 17:01
To: Maxim Sobolev
Cc:;;; src-committers
Subject: Re: svn: head/usr.bin: . trim

On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 10:36:02AM -0800, Maxim Sobolev wrote:
> Interesting. I have a similar functionality implemented as an option for
> the dd utility in my pipeline (conv=erase).

Which probably makes a better place rather than adding 4-letter program,
commonly named ("trim" is a simple word), into global namespace. :-/


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