On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 03:47:44PM -0400, Garance A Drosehn wrote:
> Note that a major change to the FreeBSD repo would require that users
> install a new 'svn' anyway, even if they did install 'svn' back when
> they first installed FreeBSD.
> IMO, I think this 'svnlite' idea is a good move.  I wouldn't want a
> full-blown official 'svn' in the base system, but just enough that
> a user can immediately get freebsd-specific updates without first
> needing to install some port.

Frankly I find it somehow wrong that user who wants to immediately get
freebsd-specific updates should use any source-control tools and compile
stuff from sources.  That what developers usually do, not users.  Users,
in their majority, do not like to build things, and that makes perfect

As Ubuntu user at $work, I never had to worry about how and where shall
we get updates, yet the system somehow gets them, installs them, only
occasionally asking for a reboot.

Now, if our user is showing developer's attitude and wants to "make
world", then it's fair to assume that he knows how to install things
from ports, or has his own static svn client with him all the time,
or mounts /usr/src over NFS -- whatever works better for him.

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