On 12 January 2013 11:45, Alfred Perlstein <bri...@mu.org> wrote:

> I'm not sure if regressing to the waterfall method of development is a good
> idea at this point.
> I see a light at the end of the tunnel and we to continue to just handle
> these minor corner cases as we progress.
> If we move to a model where a minor bug is grounds to completely remove
> helpful code then nothing will ever get done.

Allocating 512MB worth of callwheels on a 16GB MIPS machine is a
little silly, don't you think?

That suggests to me that the extent of which maxfiles/maxusers/etc
percolates the codebase wasn't totally understood by those who wish to
change it.

I'd rather see some more investigative work into outlining things that
need fixing and start fixing those, rather than "just change stuff and
fix whatever issues creep up."

I kinda hope we all understand what we're working on in the kernel a
little better than that.

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