On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 6:51 AM, John Baldwin <j...@freebsd.org> wrote:


>> > Maybe a helper 'if_set_baudrate(ifp, IF_Gbps(10))' that would DTRT.
>> > (It could be a static inline or some such).  I would just like to
>> > keep the readability.
>> well, yes, i thought about it, but decided not to do it right away. we
>> could provide shortcuts/macros for "popular" baudrates, i.e. 1, 10, 40
>> and 100 Gbps. while ixgbe(4) example is not ideal, i thought it still
>> was pretty readable :)
> I don't really find it all that readable.  IF_Gbps(1) looks like a typo
> to a casual reader.  I really think you should have something like:


very well :)  would something like (please see below) work?

Index: sys/dev/ixgbe/ixgbe.c
--- sys/dev/ixgbe/ixgbe.c       (revision 241641)
+++ sys/dev/ixgbe/ixgbe.c       (working copy)
@@ -2597,8 +2597,7 @@
                return (-1);
        if_initname(ifp, device_get_name(dev), device_get_unit(dev));
-       ifp->if_baudrate = IF_Gbps(1);
-       ifp->if_baudrate_pf = 1;        /* 1Gbps * 10^1 = 10Gbps */
+       if_initbaudrate(ifp, IF_Gbps(10));
        ifp->if_init = ixgbe_init;
        ifp->if_softc = adapter;
        ifp->if_flags = IFF_BROADCAST | IFF_SIMPLEX | IFF_MULTICAST;
Index: sys/net/if.h
--- sys/net/if.h        (revision 241641)
+++ sys/net/if.h        (working copy)
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
  * Some convenience macros used for setting ifi_baudrate.
  * XXX 1000 vs. 1024? --thor...@netbsd.org
-#define        IF_Kbps(x)      ((x) * 1000)            /* kilobits/sec. */
+#define        IF_Kbps(x)      ((uintmax_t)(x) * 1000) /* kilobits/sec. */
 #define        IF_Mbps(x)      (IF_Kbps((x) * 1000))   /* megabits/sec. */
 #define        IF_Gbps(x)      (IF_Mbps((x) * 1000))   /* gigabits/sec. */

Index: sys/net/if_var.h
--- sys/net/if_var.h    (revision 241641)
+++ sys/net/if_var.h    (working copy)
@@ -591,6 +591,18 @@
 } while (0)

 #ifdef _KERNEL
+static __inline void
+if_initbaudrate(struct ifnet *ifp, uintmax_t baud)
+       ifp->if_baudrate_pf = 0;
+       while (baud > (u_long)(~0UL)) {
+               baud /= 10;
+               ifp->if_baudrate_pf++;
+       }
+       ifp->if_baudrate = baud;
 static __inline int
 drbr_enqueue(struct ifnet *ifp, struct buf_ring *br, struct mbuf *m)

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