On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 01:57:12PM -0400, David Schultz wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 24, 2012, Steve Kargl wrote:
> > On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 08:43:35AM +0000, Alexey Dokuchaev wrote:
> > > On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 07:13:56PM +0000, Steve Kargl wrote:
> > > > Author: kargl
> > > > Date: Mon Jul 23 19:13:55 2012
> > > > New Revision: 238722
> > > > URL: http://svn.freebsd.org/changeset/base/238722
> > > > 
> > > > Log:
> > > >   Compute the exponential of x for Intel 80-bit format and IEEE 128-bit
> > > >   format.  These implementations are based on
> > > >   
> > > >   PTP Tang, "Table-driven implementation of the exponential function
> > > >   in IEEE floating-point arithmetic," ACM Trans. Math. Soft., 15,
> > > >   144-157 (1989).
> > > 
> > > I believe some ports could benefit from OSVERSION bump for this one.
> > > 
> > 
> > I've never done a OSVERSION bump, so you'll need to tell me how.
> > But, more importantly, I can find no information in the Developer's
> > Handbook and only two rather terse references in the Porter's
> > Handbook.  So, what is OSVERSION?  Why do you think it needs a
> > bump?
> It is the same as the __FreeBSD_version bump I mentioned in my
> email last week.  Basically it is a number you increment in
> sys/sys/param.h whenever there is a significant change that
> porters and developers of third-party software might want to test
> against.  In this case, it would help any ports that have
> workarounds for the lack of expl() to compile both before and
> after this change.  But it's also important not to bump the
> version gratuitously if there's no reason to believe the change
> might introduce incompatibilities.
> The purpose of each __FreeBSD_version bump is documented here:
>   http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/porters-handbook/freebsd-versions.html
> We should probably talk about how to update this file at some
> point, although for the first one or two times, it's probably fine
> to get a doc committer to help out with this step.

The only time that __FreeBSD_version has been  bumped for a libm change
occurred at

802502  March 6, 2011           8.2-STABLE after merging log2 and log2f into 
900027  December 5, 2010        9.0-CURRENT after the addition of log2 to libm.

Conspicuously, missing are bumps for additions of sqrtl(), cbrtl(), long
double trig. functions, exp2l(), and few other changes.  But, if people
want a bump here's a diff

Index: sys/sys/param.h
--- sys/sys/param.h     (revision 238752)
+++ sys/sys/param.h     (working copy)
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
  *             in the range 5 to 9.
 #undef __FreeBSD_version
-#define __FreeBSD_version 1000015      /* Master, propagated to newvers */
+#define __FreeBSD_version 1000016      /* Master, propagated to newvers */
  * __FreeBSD_kernel__ indicates that this system uses the kernel of FreeBSD,

I can't change the porters-handbook, as I grab sources with csup and
the following supfile:

*default host=cvsup3.FreeBSD.org
*default base=/usr/home/kargl/freebsd/ncvs
*default prefix=/usr/home/kargl/freebsd/ncvs
*default release=cvs
*default delete use-rel-suffix
*default compress

A check out of doc/ yields a file named 

The last entry in this file reads

              <entry>May 2, 2012</entry>
              <entry>10-CURRENT jemalloc import
                (rev <svnref>234924</svnref>).</entry>

If one checks the URL you posted, one see that
1000013                 May 22, 2012    10-CURRENT after byacc import (rev 
1000014                 June 27, 2012   10-CURRENT after BSD sort becoming the 
default sort (rev 237629).
1000015                 July 12, 2012   10-CURRENT after import of OpenSSL 
1.0.1c (rev 238405).
(not changed)   July 13, 2012   10-CURRENT after the fix for LLVM/Clang 3.1 
regression (rev 238429).

So, I have no idea were the most current source lives.

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