On Sat, 23 Oct 2010 12:05:00 +0200, Robert Watson <rwat...@freebsd.org>
On Fri, 22 Oct 2010, Andriy Gapon wrote:
+ A workaround for a fixed ld bug has been removed in kernel code,
+ so make sure that your system ld is built from sources after
+ revision 211583 (r210245 if building stable/8 kernel on head,
+ r211584 for stable/7). A symptom of incorrect ld version is
+ different addresses for set_pcpu section and __start_set_pcpu
+ symbol in kernel and/or modules.
Since many of our users still rely on cvsup to update FreeBSD source, it
might be useful to provide rough date thresholds for the branches in
addition to the Subversion changeset numbers (which are less easy to
deal with when checking out with cvsup/cvs).
As a non-freebsd developer is there an advantage to do svn checkout in
stead of c(v)sup?
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