> > On Apr 14, 2017, at 19:40, Ngie Cooper (yaneurabeya) 
> > <yaneurab...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> >> 
> >> On Apr 14, 2017, at 18:49, Rodney W. Grimes 
> >> <free...@pdx.rh.cn85.dnsmgr.net> wrote:
> >> 
> >>> On Friday, April 14, 2017 07:41:48 PM Ngie Cooper wrote:
> >>>> Author: ngie
> >>>> Date: Fri Apr 14 19:41:48 2017
> >>>> New Revision: 316938
> >>>> URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/base/316938
> >>>> 
> >>>> Log:
> >>>> savecore: fix space calculation with respect to `minfree` in 
> >>>> check_space(..)
> >>>> 
> >>>> - Use strtoll(3) instead of atoi(3), because atoi(3) limits the
> >>>>   representable data to INT_MAX. Check the values received from
> >>>>   strtoll(3), trimming trailing whitespace off the end to maintain
> >>>>   POLA.
> >>>> - Use `KiB` instead of `kB` when describing free space, total space,
> >>>>   etc. I am now fully aware of `KiB` being the IEC standard for 1024
> >>>>   bytes and `kB` being the IEC standard for 1000 bytes.
> >>> 
> >>> I will just rant lightly that no one actually uses this in the real world.
> >>> 
> >>> Good lucking finding a "16 GiB" DIMM on crucial.com or a 4Kin drive.  A
> >>> kilobyte is a power of 2.  The End.
> >>> 
> >>> (Next up we'll have to rename 4k displays to
> >>> 4k<insert arbitrary and unrelated letter here>)
> >> 
> >> Do we use KiB, MiB, GiB,... any place else in the system?  I cant think of
> >> a place we do this, so please, lets not start doing this here?
> > 
> > humanize_number(3) from libutil uses IEC units.
> > 
> >> Yes, these are newer standards, perhaps some day we should make a global
> >> switch to them, but lets not start mixing and matching things.
> > 
> > I understand and agree. I?m not 100% sold on that one way or another, but 
> > since I was going to redo the number representation in save core with 
> > humanize_number(3), because reading `<really-long-int>KiB` is not ideal 
> > usability wise, and I don?t want to reinvent the wheel normalizing numbers 
> > and printing out the unit.
> *unit. ?> *unit, KiB seemed like a logical next step after discussing it at 
> long length in the CR.

I do not see any long length discussion in the CR. I see an assertion that
KiB is the new IEC standard, I see a miss understanding of what kB and KB
means, and I see someone wanting to push the tree towards IEC.

I see here on the mailling list a push to NOT start IEC'ing things, at
least by myself and jhb.

I would not consider 2 or 3 peole have a 15 line converstaion in a CR
as reasonable grounds for a change like this.

Rod Grimes                                                 rgri...@freebsd.org
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