On Friday, April 14, 2017 07:41:48 PM Ngie Cooper wrote:
> Author: ngie
> Date: Fri Apr 14 19:41:48 2017
> New Revision: 316938
> URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/base/316938
> Log:
>   savecore: fix space calculation with respect to `minfree` in check_space(..)
>   - Use strtoll(3) instead of atoi(3), because atoi(3) limits the
>     representable data to INT_MAX. Check the values received from
>     strtoll(3), trimming trailing whitespace off the end to maintain
>     POLA.
>   - Use `KiB` instead of `kB` when describing free space, total space,
>     etc. I am now fully aware of `KiB` being the IEC standard for 1024
>     bytes and `kB` being the IEC standard for 1000 bytes.

I will just rant lightly that no one actually uses this in the real world.

Good lucking finding a "16 GiB" DIMM on crucial.com or a 4Kin drive.  A
kilobyte is a power of 2.  The End.

(Next up we'll have to rename 4k displays to
4k<insert arbitrary and unrelated letter here>)

John Baldwin
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